Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kinley is 9 months old

My chunkers is nine months old now. Hard to believe that in just three short months, she'll be having her first birthday. She still seems so baby-like to me, definitely not on the verge of being a one year old! Sigh... we just won't talk about that right now.

Kinley had her nine month well-check appointment last Friday and all was well. She weighs 22lbs, 4oz (90-95%), she's 26 1/2 inches long (10-25%) and her head circumference is 17 3/4cm (75-90%). For comparison purposes, at Tyler's nine month appointment, he was 19lbs, 9 oz (25-50%), 28 1/4in. (50%) and his head circumference was 17 1/2cm (25%). I need to remember to ask Anna why there is such a percentile difference in their head circumference when there is only 1/4cm difference. ?? Kinley does have a big ole' head, though. :-) I rarely ever mention concerns, but I did talk to Anna about Kinley not crawling (at this point, it's not for a lack of trying... she just can't do it), her frequent nursing and her seeming a little overly sensitive to noises and just being kind of timid in general. We've been hanging out with Anna and her family more recently, so she assured me that everything she has observed of Kinley on a personal level is completely normal and she doesn't have any concerns at all. She's seen Kinley playing and rolling around on the ground, eating dinner, drinking from her sippy cup and being content in a carnival-like setting. I guess there are definitely some perks to having your pediatrician as your friend. :-)

Kinley has had another cranky month. I actually took her to the pediatrician's office a couple of weeks ago because she had a few days of constant fussiness and now I'm feeling paranoid about another Strep episode. Did I already mention that Kinley is the youngest patient their clinic has ever seen with Strep throat?? True story! The next youngest patient they had was 11 months old. They did a Strep culture and everything on her, but she checked out completely fine. It was just a case of fussy and I can deal with fussy over anything else. I still have to assume that she's cranky because she wants to be on the move and it's not happening, but I'm slowly realizing that for whatever reasons... I just have crabby babies. I thought Tyler took the crabby baby award, but Kinley is giving him a really good run for that title. I like to think that they are giving us an extra hard time as babies because they will be so good as teenagers. Uhmmm... yeah. Teething is adding to her fussiness. She had another bottom tooth pop through last Tuesday, which makes five total and it looks like a top tooth is going to break the surface any minute. Of course, that means the matching bottom and top tooth will be following shortly. This girl has seriously been teething since she was four months old! And it's crazy, she has five teeth before Tyler ever got his first one. Although teething is hard, I don't think she's complaining about having chompers and having more variety in food. She loves chicken and potatoes, any kind of pasta or lasagna, eggs and cheese and has tried a jelly sandwich, grilled cheese, turkey meat, turkey dogs, sweet potato fries, rice, tortillas, blueberry muffin, pizza and cookies. She just likes to eat!!

I wish she slept as well as she ate, but that's a whole other story. It's not getting any better in that department and I'm sure teething isn't helping. I've asked Travis for help only four times during the night since we brought Kinley home. Isn't that a crazy thought??? Four times in nine months?? Man, he has it good! (And now I'll see if he really reads any of this rambling or if he just looks at pictures... haha. He knows he has it good!). Anyway, three of those four times were over this past month. It's just been rough lately. And I'd like to say that Travis offers some relief, but Kinley doesn't want anything to do with him at night and I find myself getting less sleep when I do ask for help. Ugg.

On to less frustrating updates... she's really starting to become interactive with her toys and tries to clap and wave. She also does the little Indian sound when you put your hand over her mouth and then she tries to do it on her own with her hand. It's really cute. She enjoys playing peek-a-boo and has recently started putting something over her face or mine as we play. Again, really cute!! She's clearly saying a few words. She says, "mama mama" or "dada dada," but I'm not sure if she's actually associating them with us or if she's just repeating us. She also says, "nigh nigh nigh," but I think she associates 'night-night' with nursing because I'm still nursing her to sleep and I often say something like, 'Are you ready for night-night.' "Nigh-nigh" is code for BOOB! haha.

Enjoy our photo shoot~

**Update- December 22** She scoots!!! I wrote the post a few days ago, but we didn't get to take pictures until today and I caught Kinley doing a little army crawl on camera! It's a very small step in the right direction! :-) Go Kinley!

This is her signature look. We see this face all the time now and it's even cuter in person.