Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve in Waco

Let the whirlwind of holiday chaos begin! As usual, we spent Christmas Eve with my dad in Waco and despite my mild anxiety over hauling two kids up there and back, it went surprisingly well and my non-car rider (Kinley) didn't give us any trouble at all! We had a wonderful visit, ate a wonderful dinner and were spoiled with some wonderful gifts! Of course, I was overly excited about this being Kinley's first Christmas, but she was mostly interested in trying to eat wrapping paper than anything else. I guess that's pretty standard. Tyler was very excited about opening gifts and especially loved his Transformer set from Poppa and Peggy! I felt bad because he wanted to open and play with all of his new toys right away, but we had to head home and he just didn't understand getting something cool and then putting it away. He gave us a bit of attitude, but seemed better after a few sugar cookies. :-) It was a good time with family and a perfect way to kick off our Christmas celebration!

Ahhh... hooligans~

with Cousin John

"What did you get, Uncle???!!!"

Wrapping paper was just as fun as the actual presents!