Saturday, August 16, 2014

Brooklyn is 2 months old

Little Brooklyn is 2 months old now and what a sweetie she is! When I shared her one month updates, I felt like she was becoming more difficult and fussy, but I think that I'm just quick to put her in that category when she does get a little fussy because of how difficult Tyler and Kinley were as babies. Brooklyn fusses over normal baby stuff and it really is minimal in comparison to her brother and sister. And now that she's smiling more, I might even say that she seems happy and content. Words I would have never used for Tyler or Kinley! HaHa! Hopefully, she stays happy and content for the most part!

We have moved forward with our decision to keep our personal and business relationship with our pediatrician separate and because of that we're skipping the two month well-check as I'm looking for a new pediatric clinic. We will still do an alternative vaccine schedule, but we're not quite ready to start that yet. Per my home scale, Brooklyn weighs 12lbs, which is just about 6oz shy of Kinley at her two month appointment. All of the newborn clothes have been packed and she's been wearing size 1 diapers. Growing too fast!

Brooklyn still enjoys being held a lot, but I really don't mind. I am still struggling with the whole last baby thing and I feel like I can't get enough of her. I know how quickly each stage passes, so if she wants to be in my arms all day, then I'll hold her as long as I can! And maybe I'll get an added bonus of more defined arms! Woohoo! She just recently started hanging out in her play gym a little more, which does give us a small break. She is not a fan of tummy time at all, but is starting to hold her head up pretty well. She started using her bath recliner and seems to really enjoy having her little toes in the water. She's still starting out in her rock-n-play at night and then moves to my bed when it's time to nurse. She calls it quits about 11-ish and has a good 3-4 hour stretch before waking up every couple of hours to nurse. I can handle that!

At 9 weeks old, she is already quite the traveler with crossing over the Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida State lines! It wasn't a cake walk, but she did really good considering! I think it will be a while before we do anymore traveling though!

Tyler and Kinley are still in awe of their baby sister! Tyler is smitten by her, which surprises me a little. He asks to hold her and is always telling me that he wishes she would stay this little. Kinley tries to be a little momma. She surprised me by picking her up and bringing her to me one day in the kitchen (can we say almost heart attack!!) and tried to wake her up from a nap once by pushing her eyelids open. Seriously! ;-) She wants to be helpful, but I definitely have to keep a close watch on her. And Brooklyn definitely lights up when they come around to see her! All in all, it's been a pretty great month with our little babe!

Our late night photo sessions while everyone else is sleeping~