Sunday, August 17, 2014

Georgia/Florida vaca

On the road again.... We went to Georgia for Justin's wedding and decided to extend our little trip a few days and went to Ft. Walton Beach on our way home. We've been wanting to go to the Destin area for years so this was a good opportunity since it would only add a few extra hours to our long journey. We invited Justin and his crew to join us in Florida. I wish I could say that I loved this vacation, but 1) It's difficult to vacation with other people, even if it's family and 2) It's pretty hard to travel so far and be gone for so long (8 days) with a 7-8 week old baby. We were limited on what we could do and I can't believe it, but I didn't get one single picture of the kids on that pretty white sand because Brooklyn and I were sitting back under an umbrella and I couldn't even see Tyler & Kinley. Boo. :-( The kids seemed to have a good time though. I think our vacations are going to be a little closer to home for a while and we'll stick to doing them just as a family.

Three things I do want to remember from this trip: 1. How tiny Brooklyn was. We obviously made a lot of bathroom stops and I didn't have to take her into any nasty gas station bathrooms to change her. She was small enough that her whole body fit on my nursing pillow and I could just change her on my lap. 2. Kinley was the flower girl at the wedding, but she got scared and didn't walk down the aisle. She just stood there until another lady scooped her up and took her off to the side. She later told me that she didn't want to throw away HER rose petals. 3. Tyler finally held his nose and put his face in the water. They were quick dunks, but this was a big deal because he has always hated getting his face wet and was scared to go under water. His swim instructor couldn't get him to do this at the beginning of the summer so he was pretty proud of himself.

All smiles starting out an 18 hour trip to Georgia~

The only pictures I have of the most adorable flower girl and ring bearer. What?! :-( Stay tuned for a repeat dress-up session later!

We visited the Air Force Museum in Florida. Tyler is pretty interested in planes, so this was a fun stop.

A-10 Warthog

Remember back at Tyler's "6 year old interview" and he said he wanted to be an "A-10 Warhog pilot" and I was like, "What the heck is that????" Well, here ya go!

And like I said, no beach pictures and just a handful of pictures from the pool area.