Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tyler's 4 year check-up

We had Tyler's 4 year check-up this past Monday. The good: He weighs 37lbs (50-75 percentile), he's 42 inches tall (75-90 percentile), and his BMI is 14.7 (10-25 percentile). Still following the tall and lean track. We're excited that he's tall enough to ride some "cooler" rides at some places we want to visit! :-) He had an eye exam and sees 20/30 in both eyes, which is normal vision for kids this age. They tried several times to do a hearing test, but he just couldn't get the concept. He either wouldn't raise his hand when he heard a beep or he just raised his hand for the fun of it. They also said it's normal to not be able to do this now. He answered all the general questions about what he should know at this age correctly. Dr. Anna was discussing water safety and asked him who was in charge of watching him at the pool. She was looking for him to say that his mom or dad was, but he very matter of factly stated that the life guard is in charge of watching him. haha. Love that Mr-know-it-all.

The not good: After a great check-up, we got to the dreaded shot and then Holy Hell... I'm pretty sure that Tyler is traumatized for life because of getting that stupid shot. Or maybe Travis and I are... I'm not sure. We are still on a delayed shot schedule and decided to get one little bitty shot at this appointment. It has been a year since his last shot and now he's much more aware of what's going on, so we tried to prep him for getting the shot beforehand and he was very adamant and made it very clear that he was NOT getting any shots. We should have known then that it wasn't going to go well. I ended up walking Kinley out of the room and I could hear Tyler screaming at the top of his lungs and crying hysterically in the front office! It was HORRIBLE! Travis was trying to hug hold him and Dr. Anna eventually had to come in to help hold him for the shot. And it certainly didn't stop after the shot. He left the room screaming at everyone and looking for me, he was kicking and hitting stuff, he threw the lid to their "treasure chest" across the room and finally sat outside on the front porch and just cried. He told me that he needed me in the room with him so that I could tell them not to give him a shot. :-( :-( :-( To say that he was pissed and hurt is such an understatement. He felt betrayed by Travis and I, he felt violated and his feelings were hurt that he was held down (remember, he knows Dr. Anna outside of being his doctor) and he just doesn't do well with pain in general. I guess that includes tiny shots. I can't see how we'll be able to successfully give him another shot until he's like 30 and that may be challenging for us in the near future. All I know is that I don't want to put him through that again, so I may have to reference this note when the next appointment rolls around. (Btw, Kinley got one shot as well while I was consoling Tyler, and apparently she laughed about it. Go figure). ;-)

Getting ready for a new mark on the growth chart~