Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Fourth Birthday, Baby!

Oh.My.Goodness, you are now FOUR years old!! I cannot believe what a big boy you are! You are growing so incredibly fast and I'm realizing that so much of the baby-ness is slowly fading away as you're turning into this big boy.

A big boy that has been completely potty trained since your third birthday. A big boy that likes to pick out his own clothes. A big boy that doesn't take a nap everyday. A big boy that goes to the dentist now. A big boy that has already received his first kiss (I'm still having a hard time with this one!). A big boy that actually has full conversations. I know it won't be long before you quit saying cute things like: nanks (thanks), glubbs (gloves), asystem (assistant), free (three), fought (thought), dis (this), dat (that), mudder (mother), fodder (father), boyce (voice), togedder (together), skeetoes (mosquitoes), inbited (invited), yittle (little), wacuz (because), excabator (excavator), knight and sharmen otter (shining armour), tecting (protecting) your sister, bellas (Cabelas) or chick-bah-lays (Chick-fil-A) and that makes me a little sad. It's hitting me more than ever that I need to enjoy and cherish these moments because they are going by so fast.

You are about to be a legit preschooler! We have officially signed you up to start preschool two days a week in the Fall. You are very excited to go, especially after taking a tour of your classroom and finding out that you will be in the same class as your buddy, Tanner. I'm excited because you're excited, but I know that your sister and I are going to miss you like crazy!! This will be the first time we have spent more than a few hours away from each other (with the exception of the one night apart when I had your sister) and I'm feeling a little anxious about it. I'm hoping that you enjoy this new world of learning and I also hope that you develop some great new friendships.

I don't think you will have any trouble making friends. You have to be one of the sweetest and caring little boys I have ever known. You are a friend to everyone and everyone is your friend. You recently befriended a total stranger in the mall. Inviting him to play hide-n-seek with you and then inviting him to your birthday party. You didn't know his name, but you told me he was your best friend. :-) I have seen other kids rally around you when we're out playing and I have seen you offer assistance to someone you thought was hurt or invite kids to play that have been left out. I can't tell you how happy that makes my heart, to see you being that kid! I know you're young, but I sure hope that you are always like that.

You, my sweet boy, are a beautiful & loving soul. Clever and incredibly smart (too smart!). You are thoughtful and compassionate, loyal and sensitive, silly and fun! You have so many great qualities and I'm just so proud. You have a need to have things a certain way (just like your Mommy), like organizing your entire Angry Birds collection before bed or lining up all of your Rescue Bots perfectly for play. You have more energy than your Daddy and I put together, however, you are still a big fan of staying home and chillin' out in front of the TV, watching your favorite shows like, Peppa Pig; Rescue Bots; Avengers; Mike the Knight and Fresh Beat Band. You still enjoy the simplicity of being a child- looking at the stars, making shapes and objects out of clouds, picking flowers, playing in the dirt, Hide-n-Seek and chase. I love all of this!

You ask a lot of questions, get answers, ponder over them, and then ask the same questions again and again! You always want to be included in mine and Daddy's conversations and are always asking if you can join in or if you can "say a question." You don't let us get away with anything anymore. You are always listening and always correcting. The days when I could sneak a piece of candy or tell you something that wasn't completely accurate are long gone. You are way too aware to be fooled these days. ;-)

You and Daddy continue to have a strong relationship and he has done a pretty good job of making you believe that fishing is the coolest thing ever. haha. You're excited to take a trip to the coast and we're making plans! You and I recently went on a date night and it was so much fun to get away for a couple of hours alone. I loved that we spent so much time trying to figure out who loved who the most and I will always argue that I love you more!

We've been very busy this past year and we've had a lot of fun! I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for you. Happy Birthday, Baby! I love you x 100 (because that's bigger than a million)!



Enjoying waking up to your room filled with balloons~

Kinley had some fun as well~

And ending the day at your favorite restaurant, Mama Fu's~

Followed by some fun on the playground~