Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kinley is 14 months old

Whew, what an exhausting past month it has been. This post is a little late because I have been swamped at work and Kinley has been SO fussy that it has left little time to play on the computer. In general, the past month with Kinley has been more difficult than fun. She is still mega clingy to me and needs me to be with her or holding her, which makes getting just about anything done feel impossible. She seems to whine and cry about everything all day. I finally made her an appointment to see Dr. Anna since we were there for Tyler's check-up and she confirmed that nothing appeared wrong with Kinley (ear infection, Strep, etc), but noticed that in addition to all of her molars coming in, her eye teeth are on their way as well. Stupid teething!!! Her little gums have been bleeding where the molars are coming in. :-( (Tyler had 6 teeth at 14 months and she has 12- crazy!). Oddly, since that appointment a few days ago, Kinley has had more moments of being happy and content and is eating a little better, so maybe we'll be seeing better days soon. ?? I'm getting so used to all the crying, screaming, carrying her, etc., I'm not even sure that I'll know what to do when things are more peaceful.

She is definitely trying to communicate with us more. She now points to things that she wants or wants to do and even if it's something that I don't want to do (like give Cooper a dog treat for the 50th time), I've been giving in so that she knows communicating by pointing (as opposed to crying and screaming) is effective. She's trying to say a couple of words. She has started saying "Duh" for duck and "Bah" for ball or balloon and is getting more clear with hi, bye-bye, mama, dada and bubba. Otherwise, she's doing a lot of cute gibberish.

We finally got her some new shoes and she is loving them. A couple of people (ah hem, Travis) have mentioned how ugly they are, but they fit and that's all that really matters right now. But for the record, they're not ugly at all and are quite pricey! She'll go get her shoes when I ask her to and gets excited because she knows that that usually means we're going somewhere or going outside to play and she loves being outside!

This is kind of funny. People don't usually believe me about how fussy Kinley is because she's either occupied if we're out and about or they see happy pictures of her all the time. I definitely have a camera in her face anytime she is happy and capture those moments. She is a major ham and sometimes I'll even pull out the camera just to make her smile. Here's proof...

She doesn't realize I'm going to take a picture and is fussing for no apparent reason:

And it's game time after that first flash. :-)