Thursday, December 3, 2009

Visit with Santa

First- a funny reminder of the first time Tyler met Santa:

I thought he would be excited to see Santa this year and things were initially looking good. He was peeking over the garland fence to get a good look at Santa beforehand and he even gave Santa a high five AND a fist bump! I couldn't wait for Tyler to tell Santa, ho...ho...ho, but things quickly went bad when Travis put him on Santa's lap and well, you can see what happened. (hahaha!) As Travis says, ' We're 2 for 2."

The traumatic event with Santa was soon forgotten when Tyler spotted his new, favorite thing... the 'choo choo' train! His little face lit up and he was SO excited to go for a ride. He refused to get out when the ride was over. The operator tried to open the door a couple of times and he would immediately close it. It was pretty funny and we let him ride again. We had to pull him out after that ride was over and he wasn't happy about that AT ALL. I'm sure we'll be making another trip to the mall just to ride the train soon. **I got some really cute video of him in the train, but the file is different with my new camera, so I can't post it. :-(

so sad to leave...