Monday, November 30, 2009

19 mos old

My little boy is on a fast track to talking! It's crazy how vocal he has become this past month! He has been exploring different sounds and attempts to say anything that we ask him to. Some of the words that he often says is: bubbles, booboo,, baby, body, uh-oh, whoa, please, more, eat, tree and down. A few of the words that may not be clear to anyone else but us are: Cooper, star, rock, door and some of the primary colors. He has the sweetest little voice and watching him learn to communicate with us is so fun!

He is already showing an interest in potty training! Actually, I'm not sure if he's interested in potty training or just trying to be like his dad, but either way, he currently pees in the toilet while standing on a small stool at least once a day. He would probably do it more if I encouraged it, but I haven't decided if we are going to go that route (the big toilet) or purchase a potty chair for more independent potty training. Oh.. it's always something.

Here are a couple of short videos showing Tyler's attempt at talking.

Oh- and I forgot to mention that his new interest is.. trains! He has an ear for those at our house like you wouldn't believe and of course, he spots out any train live, on TV, in books, his toys, etc.