Thursday, February 5, 2009

9 month check-up and sick

I had a feeling that I was going to jinx us with all of my recent talk about Tyler not getting sick yet and now my baby is sick. I actually got sick last week with a head cold/upper respiratory infection and now Travis and Tyler are both sick with the same thing. Tyler acts okay for the most part during the day. His nose will drain some and he'll sneeze a lot, but I think he feels better when he's up and moving. Naps and bedtime are a completely different story. He just can't get comfortable because his nose is so stuffed up and he cries because he wants to sleep so bad. Out of desperation, we took an almost hour truck ride this morning at 2am, to see if he could get some sleep in a more upright position in his car seat (he wouldn't fall asleep if we just tried to hold him upright), but that didn't work either. Needless to say, it's been a very rough last few nights. Travis thinks he's on the downside of this, so I hope Tyler is as well. And to top it all, Tyler's second bottom tooth popped through this morning (that's four in just a month!). Poor guy. We did have our 9 month check-up yesterday and it went great. No shots this time! He's slowing down on his growth some. Dr. Anna said he is following an average pattern and seemed happy with his progress, etc. He weighs 19lbs, 9oz. (25-50%) and his height is 28 1/4in. (50%). She also checked his eyes and said these pretty blues are here to stay! YEAH!

*My friend, Dana, tried giving her little one jello when she thought she wasn't feeling well, so I tried it as well. At least it put a smile on his face (and mine). *