Saturday, February 28, 2009

10 months old!

I guess we'll say Tyler is 10 months old today since there aren't 30 days in February. We've shared another busy and fun month with our little guy! And when I say busy, I mean that there's not much of a break in our day with his non-stop attitude. He is still our squirmy-wormy and cannot sit still for longer than two minutes. He is standing on his own for longer periods at a time (easily up to 30 seconds!) and we've had several bumps resulting from him experimenting with this. Still no steps on his own and I'm still fine with that! He tries to climb up on everything he can....the step ladder, the barstool, his stroller, his toys, rocks.. whatever he thinks he can climb on.

He has an obsession with the vacuum cleaner right now. He chases me around usually yelling at it while I vacuum. He rearranges our kitchen chairs and barstools daily. He also re-decorates my bathroom daily by pulling out all of my hair/face products from the cabinets and throwing them everywhere and even pulling out the shelf liners in the cabinets sometimes. Needless to say, it's hard to keep a tidy house with Mr. Tyler on the loose.

He is eating more food and nursing less during the day (yeah!). He eats just about everything that we do, but some of his favs at the moment are spaghetti, all types of bread, strawberries, bananas, Fruity Pebble cereal and Goldfish crackers. Surprisingly, he loves vegetables as well. Travis gave him a bite of an olive last week and that didn't go over well... poor guy threw up! haha! Before that, we thought he'd eat anything!

I think we are making some very small progress with our sleeping situation. Travis is able to get him to bed every night, instead of me nursing Tyler to sleep. Unfortunately, he still wakes up several times during the night and we have to nurse back to sleep, but we'll start to take away some of his night feedings this month and see how that goes. Fingers crossed!

He has grown very attached to his lovey recently. He's always liked it and we were only giving it to him at bedtime, but it's proven to be a great comforting tool when I need it during the day as well. I've found myself having to take it along on car rides recently because he absolutely hates his carseat right now and gets aggravated the second I put him in. I think he is either outgrowing it or just tired or looking at the back of the seats (and I don't blame him!). We are planning to buy his new big boy car seat soon!

He's just growing way too fast, but we're enjoying every second of it. Watching him learn and figure things out is so much more rewarding than I could have ever anticipated. :-)

Fun times in the bathtub~

Thursday, February 26, 2009


My little copy-catting fake cougher! (note- about five seconds into watching this, I'm annoyed with myself coughing! Good thing Tyler makes it worth watching!)


Fly fishing (as Daddy says)~

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weekend in review

We went to see Uncle Brent on Sunday. It was his 26th birthday Friday. We had a great visit, but Tyler definitely made it challenging for us. He just has no patience to sit still for two hours (or even two minutes!). He was exhausted by the time we left and passed out as soon as we got in the car.

We did a free trial Gymboree class on Saturday. I didn't find any benefit to signing up for the classes, but it was still fun to let Tyler play for about ten minutes. Travis made a comment over the weekend that I take way too many pictures. Whatever! ;-)

Photo session in the front yard while waiting for Daddy to come home Friday night!

Erin and Dylan stopped by to visit for a few hours on Friday. I wish they were still our neighbors! I'm sure Dylan and Tyler would be all over the place together! :-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New stuff

This picture is significant for two reasons. One- this is the first time that Tyler has EVER fallen asleep for a nap without nursing (aside from car rides or when he was a newborn and we used swings, bouncers, etc.). This is a big deal for us!! Travis has successfully been getting him to fall asleep on his own at bedtime, but he still wakes up during the night and I have to nurse him back to sleep. We are making progress though and we'll keep trying! And two- he crawled up to the pillow on his own, layed his little head down and put his arm under the pillow like such the big boy that he is! He's growing up. Sniff... sniff. :-)

Another new thing for today- Tyler waved "Bye-Bye" to me. He's still trying to figure it out. And how about that high five at the end. :-)

I realize we have a lot of pictures from the highchair recently. That just seems to be where so much fun stuff happens!

"I know you're trying to see my teeth, but I'm not amused by your funny faces, Mom"

"Nope.. not gonna smile."

"Okay, I'll smile, but NO teeth!"

"Yikes... I can't hold it much longer!"


"ugg... you win!! You're just so funny, Momma!"

Such a cute smile~


Getting closer to having a ballpit- at least we have balls now.

We did a trial music class this past Tuesday. Tyler ended up being more interested in playing with the other kiddos than doing music stuff, so I think we'll put this on hold and try it again during the summer.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I know that a lot of people think Valentine's Day is overrated and that it’s just a marketing day for Hallmark, however, I'm not one of them. I love that there’s one special day to take time out and do something nice for your loved ones and let them know how much they mean to you. Granted, this should be done everyday, but I think having a special day (just like Mother’s Day or Father’s Day) is good for everyone. For me... this is a day to tell my husband that I love him. Tyler and I are both very lucky to have such a devoted, hard-working, caring and supportive man in our lives and I should really tell him this more often! This is a day to tell my family that I love them. They have the biggest hearts out of most people I know and I’m proud of all of them. And a special thank you to my Dad for sending me beautiful flowers today! This is a day to tell my friends that I love them. I am very thankful to have the wonderful group of friends that I do have and appreciate them so much. This is a day to tell my baby boy that I love him. He IS my heart on this special day and every other day. I fall more in love with him every minute and feel so blessed to have him in my life. Happy Valentine's Day! xo

New tunnel~

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Tyler started telling us "no" by shaking his head about 4-5 days ago. He tells me 'no' when I try to change him, clean his nose, give him food if he's not done with what he has in his mouth or when he wants water instead of food, just to list a few instances. However, he's starting to do it more and more about random things. Last night, he was gently pulling on my hair while shaking his head no. A couple of nights ago, Travis told him to 'come here' and Tyler sat there looking at him while shaking his head. I couldn't help but laugh... I think it's hilarious. I love that he's figured out some way of communicating to us, even if he is telling us 'no' all the time! I guess you can tell what he hears a lot of. ;-)

My attempt at a hair cut. I'm definitely looking forward to getting it professionally done!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sour face

We can't get a funny reaction from Tyler when trying limes or lemons, but he definitely had one when he tried my sugar free popsicle. I guess the raspberry sorbet was just a little too tart for him. He kept wanting more and I'd get the same face after each time he tried it. Too funny!

*I think he took a big bite and he didn't know what to do with it being so cold in his mouth*

*All was better once he got his water. I didn't realize how huge this sippy cup was until seeing it on video. ha! And check out how long this kid can hold a note for!*

Thursday, February 5, 2009

9 month check-up and sick

I had a feeling that I was going to jinx us with all of my recent talk about Tyler not getting sick yet and now my baby is sick. I actually got sick last week with a head cold/upper respiratory infection and now Travis and Tyler are both sick with the same thing. Tyler acts okay for the most part during the day. His nose will drain some and he'll sneeze a lot, but I think he feels better when he's up and moving. Naps and bedtime are a completely different story. He just can't get comfortable because his nose is so stuffed up and he cries because he wants to sleep so bad. Out of desperation, we took an almost hour truck ride this morning at 2am, to see if he could get some sleep in a more upright position in his car seat (he wouldn't fall asleep if we just tried to hold him upright), but that didn't work either. Needless to say, it's been a very rough last few nights. Travis thinks he's on the downside of this, so I hope Tyler is as well. And to top it all, Tyler's second bottom tooth popped through this morning (that's four in just a month!). Poor guy. We did have our 9 month check-up yesterday and it went great. No shots this time! He's slowing down on his growth some. Dr. Anna said he is following an average pattern and seemed happy with his progress, etc. He weighs 19lbs, 9oz. (25-50%) and his height is 28 1/4in. (50%). She also checked his eyes and said these pretty blues are here to stay! YEAH!

*My friend, Dana, tried giving her little one jello when she thought she wasn't feeling well, so I tried it as well. At least it put a smile on his face (and mine). *