Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week in review

We have teeth! (yes, as in plural) Tyler's bottom tooth broke the surface this past Monday and you can barely see a small tooth there. We discovered a top tooth yesterday that has already broke through and the one right beside it is just about to break through. We have some serious teething going on! You can tell that they're definitely bothering him and he's had a very rough weekend. Travis had to make a trip to Walgreen's at 5:30am yesterday to get Tyler some Tylenol because he just couldn't sleep. Once that finally kicked in, we didn't get out of bed until 10:00am, which was so nice! He really wants to be in a good mood. He'll laugh at something and then immediately stick out his bottom lip and start to whine. It's hard knowing he's uncomfortable despite our efforts to try and help him. We all hope this passes soon. I still can't believe that we'll have pearly whites to show off! That's exciting! I'm taking as many pictures as I can of this adorable gummy smile while it lasts though.

Amber and Zayd stopped by to visit with us on Friday. Little Zayd is already 4 1/2 months old and changing so much every time we see him. I can't wait until this summer when the boys can actually interact better. We are already making plans!

Check out a picture from Tyler & Zayd's first playdate that seems sooo long ago (okay- so obviously, it was a playdate for Amber and myself.)

We had another fun playdate with our friends, Dana and Claire, Thursday afternoon. Tyler loves going to their house to play with new toys and he plays so well with Miss Claire.

"Hi, Mom!"

Crawling through the tunnel~

Miss Claire~

Partners in crime already (wandering off to investigate the other room)~

They had a new friend, Marlee, join them towards the end of the playdate (we gave them all a spoon to sit still- ha)~

Check out some pictures from Tyler and Claire's previous playdates. It's neat to see how they've changed so much each time we get together.

(Tyler- 7 mos, Claire 9 1/2 mos)

(Tyler- 6 mos, Claire- 8 1/2 mos)

(Tyler- 5 mos, Claire- 7 1/2 mos)

(Tyler- 4 1/2 mos, Claire- 7 mos)

Some 'scooting around the house' progress pictures and videos~

He just started taking an interest in the walker that Mamma and Grammy gave him too~

Excited to walk to his daddy~

Tyler also practices walking with just about any object that moves~

Still our favorite way to pass time- chasing the cats all day!

Tackling Cassie~

Of course, we remember Cooper's excitement about becoming a BIG brother, but poor Cooper just didn't know what he was in for. I know he will grow to love Tyler just as much as Tyler already loves him. Cooper has proven to be a great babysitter! I put Cooper on 'baby duty' while I usually run and unload groceries from the car and it's worked really well so far! :-)