Friday, January 30, 2009

9 months old

This past month flew by and I can't believe Tyler is already nine months old! As each day/month passes, he becomes more interactive with us and we've had SO much fun this past month! He doesn't really enjoy independent play time for too long, but he loves playing with us. Anything.. as long as we're doing it together. Travis will often chase him and hit his fists on the floor, acting like a gorilla, and Tyler crawls as fast as he can to me. Then he'll go chase Travis and we do this over and over again. It's so cute. :-) It would be play time all the time if Tyler had his way.

We've had a busy month filled with lots of playdates and visits with our friends and family and it's been interesting to see Tyler's personality come out more and more. He is possibly the most social little boy I know. Last week he practically jumped out of my arms to meet the nice lady standing in line behind us at FedEx. Yes, he went to a complete stranger with open arms! She was kind enough to entertain him for a few minutes and I was surprised to see him do that. He's certainly not shy. There isn't an ounce of laid back to him! He is Mr. Go-Go-Go ALL THE TIME! He has to constantly be on the move, whether that's playing with one toy and moving to the next or wanting to be carried around so he can see what's going on. He is very stubborn and determined to do what he wants and on HIS schedule and has shown some very entertaining tantrums when he doesn't get his way (the recurring tantrum- me closing the door to the cat room and not letting him go in there). And speaking of tantrums- he hates getting his diaper changed, getting dressed, cleaning his nose and getting his face and hands wiped after eating and is quite vocal about it. He gets ridiculously excited over seeing Cooper and the cats in the mornings and he lights up with the biggest smiles when his Daddy gets home from work. He's shown a very sweet heart. I admire the persistence that I already see in him at such a young age. It gives me high hopes that he'll have a successful future. As I type all of this, I realize that he probably shares a lot more of my personality than Travis' at this point. I know Travis will agree (especially with doing what I want, when I want- haha).

As I mentioned in the several posts before, teething has been hard on Tyler and it was very bitter-sweet for me when those teeth started popping through because it's just a silent reminder that my baby is growing up. To my surprise, I am loving his new smile- although they are still not in completely, I can't help but get right in his face when he is singing or talking just so I can get a glimpse. I'm ready for them now!

We are lucky to have three different types of walkers and I've placed them in different parts of the house so that they are accessible to Tyler everywhere. He enjoys using them and has gotten pretty fast. No steps on his own, but I'm okay with that. We need a couple more months to prepare (if there is such a thing).

He clearly says "Mama" all the time now, however, I don't think he's actually associating it with me. If anyone asks though- I'll always say he said Mama before Daddy. :-)

And aside from our on-going sleeping struggle (which we won't even discuss now), things couldn't be any better and we couldn't be any happier with our little boy!