Sunday, January 25, 2009

Busy, busy...

Teething has still proven to be rough for our little boy this past week. His top gums are so swollen and it looks like he's going to get a mouthful of teeth any time, but at this point, we still just have the two (which are definitely taking their time coming in completely). Along with the pain of teething, Tyler has had a mild fever, diarrhea, and has been very clingy/whiny. I actually took him to see our pediatrician and good friend, Dr. Anna, this past Thursday to make sure he wasn't sick. He kept pulling on his ears and I was worried that he may have an ear infection. Thankfully, she gave us a good bill of health... it's just these darn teeth! I am happy that I can still say he's never been sick (knock on wood!). I do think that he's getting past the irritating stage of teething, at least for this round. And on the up side, when he doesn't appear too bothered by his new chompers, it's fun letting him try them out!

We've been busy with more fun playdates. Thursday morning, we hung out at our friend Tanner's house for a group playdate. Tanner's daddy, Travis, and our Travis grew up together.

I guess I didn't get a good picture of Tyler and Tanner, so here's one from a couple of months ago. Tanner is about six months older than Tyler.

*We were supposed to have a group playdate at Amber and Zayd's house on Friday, but Tyler was being a little cranky and went down late for his nap. We hated missing out, but we'll see them again soon.*

We had a nice visit with Great Grand-pop on Saturday.

We had dinner with our friends, Shane and Krista and their kiddos, at their new house Saturday evening. Macy is their youngest and is one month younger than Tyler, but I think she had a growth spurt because she appeared bigger than Tyler this visit. Shane is another one of Travis' childhood friends since the third grade. It's fun to see their kids playing and growing up together just like they all did.

Picture from a couple of months ago.

We went to Bastrop on Sunday to see everyone.