Monday, December 1, 2008

Month Three Highlights

We were told that we could introduce the exersaucer at 4 months old, but Tyler was doing so great holding his head up that we got it a couple of weeks early. He had no problem playing in it and absolutely loved it!

Tyler's first trip to Lake Austin. Travis and I both took Friday off work for an extended weekend and we rented a condo on the water and stayed for one night. This was a much needed trip and a turning point in Travis and Tyler's relationship. Tyler was very attached to me and didn't want a lot to do with his daddy, which meant that I didn't get much of a break, even if Travis wanted/tried to help out. By the end of our three day family weekend together, Tyler was smitten by his daddy as you can see in the video we took on day three! (I know most of you have already seen this video, but now you know the story behind it).


This puppy on Tyler's bouncer was staring at him (or at least that's what Tyler thought)..... and it scared him!

Rolling over from back to tummy, except this darn thing is in his way.

This was Mamma's last week watching Tyler while I went to work. She was such an amazing help to us for a couple of months and we were lucky to have her here. We really enjoyed having her company and now we miss her! Thankfully, I was able to arrange a part-time work schedule and now work from home.

Look how small Tyler was when Mamma started watching him.

Sitting up like a big boy already!

We ventured to our neighborhood swimming pool. I was sure that Tyler would love this. He was okay at first, but overall.. hated it! We'll try again next summer!

George is the favorite toy right now. We take him everywhere and Tyler gets a huge grin when George's face lights up.

Grammy visiting

Tyler sits propped up in his highchair to practice sitting on his own.