Monday, December 1, 2008

Month Six Highlights

We were out furniture shopping when we spotted these little chairs. Tyler absolutely loved this chair! Looks like we'll have to do some shopping around to find him one that matches our furniture better.

It's time to put up the swing. Sniff, Sniff. My little turkey would sit straight up (with the swing in motion), reach out and grab the pole making the swing come to a stop and look at me with this smile and attitude like he really accomplished something great. haha. With our sleep issues, this is the crutch I sometimes relied up. Not to mention, this is just a reminder of how my baby is growing up. I hate putting away his baby things!

We officially had a crawler at 6 1/2 months. It's amazing how fast it happened. One day he was scooting and the next day he was chasing me around the house! There is absolutely no stopping him now. He already seems a lot happier now that he's mobile and can go where he pleases, which makes us happier. Busier, but happier!

Happy Birthday to me~ with an exhausting night before, I was too pooped to do much of anything, but we did go to Chuy's for lunch. It was the first time Tyler sat in a highchair. He did great!

Halloween~ No crazy/fun costumes as I didn't think Tyler would stand for it. Definitely next year though! We had fun passing out candy to all the kiddos in our neighborhood until it was Tyler's bedtime.

We tried something orange for the first time since it was Halloween... Sweet Potatoes. I think the look on this adorable face says it all!