Sunday, November 20, 2016

Light Festival

I have been so excited about going to this Light Festival and was hoping to create a magical night for the kiddos. It was a truly beautiful moment followed by the single most terrifying moment of my when we lost Brooklyn in a swarm of thousands of people (in the dark!). I'm talking legit lost... like Travis and I frantically running in different directions and screaming for her, firefighters on walkie talkies, her name blasted on the speaker system and sweet strangers stepping in to help out. A few minutes felt like a lifetime and I honestly thought that someone may have taken her! Thankful for the lady that found her and then found Travis! Geesh- safe to say that we will never forget this night! And if you see my two year old on a leash while we're out, now you know why!!

We did get some fun pictures before the chaos! I bought a selfie stick and the kids took turns having fun with it and my phone:

iphone pics
