Monday, May 2, 2016

Happy 8th birthday, Tyler!

I’m starting to think that eight just might be enough! We just wrapped up another wonderful celebration for you at our house and once again, I sit back in awe… for the awesome little person that you are growing up to be and for the fact that you are surrounded by so many people that adore you and want to celebrate you.

You continue to impress me with your love for your family, your generosity to friends, your kindness to animals, and your respect towards adults. You are a special person and my heart is happy knowing that other people recognize this as well!

You will be finishing second grade in a month and heading upstairs to third grade with the big kids! I just can’t even think about all of that right now! You have done so well in school this year and actually enjoy it! Your teacher (Mrs. Simmons) has made learning fun with a lot of hands on stuff and that’s totally your thing! You are very interested in history and science and did a Mad Science program after school. I can tell that you have become more confident in yourself this past year. I think doing well in school and having good kids in your class has helped. One of your best friends, Cash, is in your class this year and you have loved that! You two are pretty inseparable at school.

You started taking golf lessons at the beginning of the school year and you really like that. It’s funny because we’re not a golfing family, but I love this program and I think you like the less competitive aspect of it! Your coach is respectful, encouraging and they teach you “life lessons.” It’s a huge change from all the yelling and frustration during other sports that you have tried. I really hope that you stick with it! You also tried basketball a couple of months ago with some friends and had fun with that. You are about to finish your second year of Cub Scouts and you were so excited about your recent trophies for 2nd place at racing and best paint job in the Pinewood Derby.

You love swimming and can’t wait for the weather to warm up. I have a feeling we’ll be spending a lot of time at the pool this summer. You still love Star Wars, Minecraft, video games, Legos, and “drawing pictures, like Uncle Brent.” You are starting to get into music and have some pretty interesting dance moves. HaHa!

It has been another fun year watching you grow and I'm hopeful that this next year will be just as fun!

Happy 8th birthday, baby boy! I love you (MOST because I'm bigger and older!)



1. How old are you? 8. What kind of party did you have? Video game party. Same as last year, huh? Yes! What was fun about it? Playing with my friends.
2. What is your favorite color? Blue
3. What is your favorite toy? My Kindle that I just got for my birthday.
4. What is your favorite game? Minecraft
5. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swimming and play with friends
6. What is your favorite thing to do inside? Play on my Kindle
7. What is your favorite TV show or cartoon? Teen Titans Go
8. What is your favorite outfit? Nike
9. What is your favorite animal? Deer and sharks
10. What is your favorite song? My House
11. What is your favorite book? Moby Dick- we are reading it now.
12. What is your favorite fruit? Green apples
13. What is your favorite cereal? Lucky charms
14. What is your favorite snack: Fruit snack and beef jerky
15. What is your favorite drink? Coke and Gatorade
16. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Breakfast tacos or eggs with bacon.
17. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Raviolis
18. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween and Christmas because they’re just fun!
19. Who is your best friend? Cash, Cain and Liam.
20. What do you like to take with you to bed at bed time? My lovey and water or milk sometimes
21. What is your favorite restaurant? Chick-fil-A
22. What is your favorite place to go to? My friends’ houses.
23. What are you excited to do this year? Playdates, swimming and going on vacation.
24. What do you want to be when you grow up? What’s daddy’s job called? Auto body technician. That!