Thursday, April 30, 2015

Happy 7th birthday, baby boy!

Happy Birthday to you... you live in a zoo. :-) Today is your 7th birthday, not that you need any reminding. You were excited to get up and celebrate your day at school and go on your class field trip to the Snake Farm. I mean, who wouldn't be excited about that?? And it makes me so happy to see you smiling and excited right now. The past couple of weeks have been a little hard around here. Mamma passed away earlier this month and I've been a little distracted and sad. You don't fully understand everything and have been asking a lot of questions. It's hard to know just how much to share with you at this age. You were her first great-grandchild and spent the most time with her. She loved you so much and was so proud of you. I'm thankful for the time that you guys did get to spend together and I hope that you will always hold your memories of her close to your heart.

Despite everything, we had such a fun birthday celebration for you this year. You wanted a gaming party, so we had a big Game Truck come and set up in the drive way. You and your buddies were in gaming Heaven. I sat back and really realized how quick things have changed. We've gone from cake smashing and kiddie train rides and face painting to legit big kid birthday parties. You just lost your first front tooth and man, does your new toothless grin look cute!! You've attempted to sleep in your own room a couple of different times over the years, but always found your way back in my room. You are officially sleeping in your room now (and you let Kinley sleep in there with you). It's funny because co-sleeping was the one thing that Daddy and I were firmly against before we had you and now I'll always cherish those years when I got to have you close by. You like big kid shows like 'Dog with a Blog' and 'Jessie.' You love playing on the iPad and are still pretty obsessed with Minecraft. You are doing good in school this year and are about to finish up first grade. You occasionally ride the bus home from school, but wish you could ride it more often. You enjoy having your friends over for playdates. Your closest friends at school this year are Lucien, Cain and William. You are looking forward to trying a few new sports this summer- swimming, basketball and golf. You're just growing FAST! I know, I always say that. I'm glad that I recognize it though because I think it makes me truly appreciate every stage that you are in. I know that you will seem so much bigger next year and I will be missing these days.

And as always, you remind me that life is for living and loving. I sure do love you, little dude. Enjoy being seven!!



1. How old are you? 7. Just had a big birthday party? Yeah.
What kind of party did you have? Minecraft. What was really cool about your party? There was a ginormous, ginormous, huge game truck... about 10 or 15 feet long, I guess. It was pretty big. You had lots of friends that were able to fit in that and play video games. Yeah, Nobody even had to go in the field and shoot bow and arrows. (We worried that the kids would get bored or there wouldn't be enough game spots and offered to go into the field to shoot bow and arrows. We didn't need to do that!)
2. What is your favorite color? Blue and white
3. What is your favorite toy? My new Minecraft stuffed cow and my lovey
4. What is your favorite game? Minecraft PlayStation Edition
5. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swing
6. What is your favorite thing to do inside? Play on my PlayStation with Kinley
7. What is your favorite TV show or cartoon? Star Wars Rebels and my favorite movie is Batman movie
8. What is your favorite outfit? Under Armour
9. What is your favorite animal? Killer whale and shark
10. What is your favorite song? Don't have any. Actually, yeah, when I log into a new world or when I enter the nether, I like the sound.
You like your Minecraft music. Yes. What about 'Let it go?' No, I hate that. What about Shake it off?' Okay. It's okay. What about 'Call me maybe?' Kind of.
11. What is your favorite book? Goodnight Moon. (We went back to that book from a long time ago.)
12. What is your favorite fruit? Apples with Nutella and canteloup. Also watermelon.
13. What is your favorite cereal? Lucky Charms
What is your favorite snack: Fruit snack and candy.
14. What is your favorite drink? Lemonade and honey mixed together (This is a new drink he just tried)
15. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Bacon and eggs with sausage and toast with honey and cinnamon
16. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Delicious, delicious steak
17. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween. Because you dress up in cool, cool costumes.
18. Who is your best friend? Lucien, William, Cain, Michael...
19. What do you like to take with you to bed at bed time? My lovey and two stuffed cows
20. What is your favorite restaurant? Garcias
21. What is your favorite place to go to? Jumpolene
22. What are you excited to do this year? Play on my PlayStation and do that really cool basketball court that Poppa got me for a present
23. What do you want to be when you grow up? The service I want to do when I grow up is fix cars like my dadda. I don't think I'll sell any goods. You won't sell any goods. You'll just do a service. Because you get $1,000 a day. You think so. Yeah, My dad gets $2,000 a day. You think so, huh? Yeah, he told me. ;-)

Video- Take One

Video- Take Two