Friday, December 12, 2014

Brooklyn is 6 months old

Happy half year to my sweet baby girl! Already 6 months old! Officially closer to being one than a tiny newborn now. Ready or not, this baby is growing up! This past month has been very busy between visiting in Bastrop, Thanksgiving and gearing up for Christmas and I'm trying to keep up. Brooklyn got her first cold this past month and she was a snotty/stuffy-nosed mess for several days. She's my youngest baby to get sick at just 5 months old. She also cut her first two bottom teeth on November 22 and even though she wasn't very fussy about that at all, she was still a little uncomfortable and wanted to nurse... a lot, especially at night. So between being sick and teething, Our pretty darn good nighttime routine changed over a couple of nights and she went from having a long initial 5 hour stretch to only sleeping 1-2 hours at a time and now waking up all night. It all happened before I could even do anything about it and just like with Tyler and Kinley, I'm right back in a very familiar (not-so-great) nighttime routine. Boo!!! :-( It's hard to be fussy about it though because, otherwise, she's SOO great. She still takes several naps during the day, so I think I'm the only one missing out, but hopefully, we'll get back on track soon!

With all the extra nighttime nursing, I am noticing some extra baby chub! Can't say that I mind that. :-) I finally got her in to see a pediatrician. She weighed 16lbs. 5oz. (52%), was 26 inches long (54%) and her head was 16 3/4 (49%). She's about as average size as they come. :-) So different than Tyler's long and thin (15 1/2lb & 26 3/4in) and Kinley's short and plump stats (19lbs. 9oz & 24 1/2in). I really liked the new pediatrician and she seems willing to work with us on an alternative vaccine schedule, so we'll see! Brooklyn laughed and smiled all through her well visit. Even the doctor made several comments about what a happy baby she was. No shots this time!

We have just recently moved into trying some solid foods. It was time. She got her first bottom two teeth on November 22. She is always reaching out for my food and water. She has tried apple sauce, bananas and sweet potatoes so far and likes all of it. She's doing great on her tummy and will roll over several times to get from point A to B. She's not sitting up yet. In fact, I had her 6 month pictures scheduled and just cancelled them because I wanted to capture that milestone, so we'll try for them again in a few weeks.

She is really starting to develop a fun personality. She says maaamaamaamaa a lot and is vocal in general. She loves playing little games- peek-a-boo or when Travis hides behind me and moves from one of my shoulders to the next. She lights up over Tyler and Kinley and they are always loving on her (sometimes Kinley loves on her too much!). They both want to hold her and now that she has tried some foods, Kinley is always asking if she can feed her. This little bitty sure brings a lot of love around here. :-)