Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Trip to Illinois

I think I've been pretty ambitious in all of our activities lately with a newborn, but this definitely takes the ambitious award! :-) My grandma is in Illinois visiting with her sisters for her new 1/2 the year there, 1/2 the year here arrangement. Shortly after getting there, she received some pretty hard news about her health. After battling (and beating!) breast cancer last year, she is, unfortunately, adding lung cancer and stomach cancer to her health resume. I joke with her about how we all know that she is one tough lady so she can quit trying to prove it to us now! ;-) She is doing well right now and receiving tons of help and support from her amazing sisters. However, if you can spare some thoughts and prayers for her, we sure would appreciate it!! Anywho, she was at the hospital when Tyler was born and watched him as a newborn a couple of days a week while I went back to the office short-term. She was at the hospital when Kinley was born and stayed with Tyler while I was there overnight. She was a huge help to me during both of those times, so it didn't feel right when she wasn't there when Brooklyn was born. I didn't find out about the cancer until after Brooklyn was here, but I knew even before that, that I didn't want to wait until October for my grandma to come home before introducing her to her newest little great-grandchild. The cards fell in place for us to take a long 4th of July weekend so we made the trip to Illinois to visit! All of us! The kids did pretty well considering how long the trip was (supposed to be 14 hours turned into 18 hours, I think, with all the stops!). And we had a fantastic visit and saw family that I haven't seen in years! I'm definitely looking forward to a longer trip next time!

As close as Tyler got to feeding the horses...

... which was a lot closer than Kinley got. :-)

Brooklyn with her Great-Great Aunt Pat

Mamma with her sisters- Pat, Bernice and Barb

Justin made a visit as well! It was an added bonus to see him and his crew!

Kinley and cousin, Grace~

Baby Everett~

Tyler & Terrianna