Saturday, July 12, 2014

Brooklyn is 1 month old

Baby girl is one month old now. It's not quite as easy as it was the first week, but things are still going pretty good and we're managing. She's generally becoming more fussy and demanding as her wakeful moments are lasting longer, which is to be expected. When she's awake, she either wants to be held and moving around or nursing and it can feel a little exhausting at times, especially when having to tend to Tyler and Kinley as well. She's not happy or content in the bouncer or swing just yet. All of this is pretty familiar territory, but I think we (or I) feel more comfortable the third time around, knowing what to expect, and I still wouldn't say that she is as difficult as Tyler and Kinley were as babies... yet. ;-)

Her first road trip to Illinois was longer than any trip Travis and I have taken together in the car and obviously, longer than any trip Tyler & Kinley have been on and she did great! Another first to log... Her first real smile was on July 8, the day she turned 4 weeks old. She woke up in such a good mood and just smiled at everything I said for a minute. Of course, now we try to make her smile all the time, but she's pretty reserved about sharing them, so no pictures yet. ;-)

I have figured out that I don't produce breast milk, I make milkshakes! Little Brooklyn is already about 9 1/2 pounds and getting rolls on her thighs. She is nursing on demand, but the general schedule is about every 2 - 2 1/2 hours, depending on the time of the day. In the evening, she gets pretty fussy and nursing is the only thing that will calm her down, so she nurses pretty often. However, I think she nurses too much then and just stays fussy because she probably has an upset tummy, so I have to give her gas drops. It's a not fun cycle. She's sleeping pretty decent during the night. Still waking up every 2-3 hours to nurse, but will usually fall back to sleep. She has a new rock-n-play sleeper that we got and she actually sleeps in that during the day and always starts out in it at night. I try to put her back in after nursing in the middle of the night, but sometimes I'm just too tired and enjoy snuggling on her... in my bed. Surprise, surprise!! Travis gave me a hard time a couple of times when he saw her in the bed, but really, why would I do anything differently with a last baby?? Of course, I want to snuggle her as much as possible!

Everyone has their opinions about who she looks like and I can't really tell, BUT I am excited that after three babies, I can definitely see some of ME this time (aside from the blue eyes we all share)! :-) I think she has my lips and chin/dimple. I have always received compliments about my lips and don't usually take compliments well, but after staring at her perfectly defined lips, it has given me a new appreciation for my own. She's already such a pretty baby! :-)

The kids are still loving on her and being very helpful! The newness hasn't worn off yet! We are all settling into our new routine. I wish that her name was coming to me as easy, but unfortunately, it still hasn't clicked. I do love her name and I think it's beautiful, but I just keep second guessing not giving her a K name to go with her sister. We continue to debate about changing it, but everyone really does love Brooklyn. I think it'll always be a lose/lose situation for me. I love her name and I love the idea of having a K name, but I can't have them both.

One month old cutie~

Of course, I have to take some comparison pictures since Brooklyn is reusing most of Kinley's clothes!

Here's Brooklyn at 1 month~

Here's Kinley at 1 month~