Monday, March 3, 2014

Cooper Updates

We had quite the scare with Cooper a few weeks ago and had to face the sad possibility of putting him down. :-( It was such an unexpected thing. He seemed kind of off and weak for a couple of days and we were making plans to take him to the vet for a check-up. I let him out of the garage the next day and he immediately started having a seizure in our front yard. It was very scary and sad to watch. He ended up having 5 total in my arms within the hour that it took for Travis to rush home and for us get him to the vet. By the time we made it to the vet, he was in a constant seizure so they started him on high doses of Valium and muscle relaxers with no luck of stopping the seizures and eventually put him on a gas mask, which finally calmed him and put him to sleep. The news of a probable brain tumor that was causing this was pretty painful to hear and the vet didn't seem to have much confidence that he'd make it through the day and suggested that we would probably be making a difficult decision later that evening. Long story short, we weren't prepared to say goodbye to our pup and decided to bring him home to be comfortable with his family and let whatever was going to happen, happen. We tried a combo of high dose meds. He started out taking 15 pills a day and now he's down to 6. We're not sure what the culprit was/is to the seizures, but we are controlling it with meds now and he's definitely not 100%, but we're just happy that he's still with us. For me personally, this was a huge wake up call. I have spent so much time griping about Cooper.... just being a dog, but the thought of losing him was unbearable. I'm so thankful that we didn't listen to the vet that day and we can really appreciate what time we have left with our first baby.