Saturday, July 16, 2011

4 month pictures- take 1

I took Kinley to get her 4 month pictures done and by the time we got a few of all of us and attempted to get some of her and Tyler, she was done with a capital 'D' and I didn't get many shots of her by herself. I plan to go back in the next week or so to do another session of just her. If you're interested to see what we did get, you can copy the link below and paste it into another browser to view. **If you can't get the link to work, email me and I'll send you the direct link**

*(It's slightly annoying to view in this album because there are several of the same pictures; some just zoomed in more, some in black & white, some with 'special effects.' They try to sell you on everything!)*

This is her cute outfit for pictures by herself courtesy of Grammy with Tyler's help on picking it out. :-)