Friday, July 29, 2011


T playing with his little sister. :-)


Daddy is proud of dressing Kinley and Tyler is proud of dressing himself

Little Miss was up at the table with us one second and literally crashed out the next second. It was hilarious!


"Say Hello to my little friend"

haha... just teasing...

THIS is my little friend. :-)

What are you looking at?

4 month stats

Whoopse, I forgot to post these... at Kinley's four month check-up last week, her head circumference was 16 1/2 (50-75%), she was 23 1/2 inches long (10-15%), and topped the charts at 16 1/2lbs (95-97%). :-) Slightly unproportioned, but so so stinkin' cute!! Dr. Anna was very happy with her progress!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tyler behind the lens

Tyler got a camera from baby sister at the hospital (a pretty crappy camera after viewing these pictures!!) and these are some of the pictures he captured at the hospital right after Kinley was born and right after we brought her home. Funny...

4 month pictures- take 1

I took Kinley to get her 4 month pictures done and by the time we got a few of all of us and attempted to get some of her and Tyler, she was done with a capital 'D' and I didn't get many shots of her by herself. I plan to go back in the next week or so to do another session of just her. If you're interested to see what we did get, you can copy the link below and paste it into another browser to view. **If you can't get the link to work, email me and I'll send you the direct link**

*(It's slightly annoying to view in this album because there are several of the same pictures; some just zoomed in more, some in black & white, some with 'special effects.' They try to sell you on everything!)*

This is her cute outfit for pictures by herself courtesy of Grammy with Tyler's help on picking it out. :-)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Kinley is 4 months old

Okay, I have to start with the most important thing... we have a dimple!! Yes, I just noticed yesterday that Kinley has a dimple on her cheek! And no, I'm not talking about on her butt cheek (although she has plenty there and those are super cute as well!). And even though it's barely noticeable under those chunky cheeks, it is legit. Ahhh, I KNEW there was a good reason why I married Travis... dimples! ha ha! We're able to catch a glimpse of this little dimple because Kinley is one smiley baby! If I just look at her and say Hi, she melts in a shy way and becomes an instant cheeser. I've joked several times that she makes me feel like I'm Brad Pitt, or at least I assume that's the reaction he often gets from the ladies when he looks at them. Who knows, but it's a pretty good feeling! She's really starting to become more vocal and has given us some good belly laughs recently. We just need a good capture on the recorder now. She's holding on to her toys more and has started reaching out for them. She really wants to be moving- she's trying to roll over from back to tummy, but she's not quite there yet, and she can manage to scoot a little bit on her back by kicking off with her feet. 'Tummy time' has been a pretty slow progression. She doesn't like it and she's just now getting to where she can tolerate it for a couple of minutes. I feel like most babies are doing pretty good at that by now, I know Tyler was, but it has to be hard work trying to pick up that big ole' head of hers. :-) And speaking of big, she's growing like crazy!! I'm an on demand nurser and she clearly enjoys nursing. We go in for her 4 month check-up this week and I'll give updates on her stats, but I'm guessing she's 18+lbs. She's big!! We hear it all.the.time and I definitely do not get offended by anyone calling her chunky, chubby or fat, but the other day we heard our first... "Aww, she's so (pause, pause, pause) healthy!!" HAHA! She's fat! You can say it AND I absolutely love it!

Our sleeping situation is pretty similar to last month. Not much has changed. She still sleeps for about a 5 hour stretch on good nights and then wakes up every two hours afterwards. She's taking several shorter naps during the day, which has made planning for things and working a little more difficult, but hopefully, she'll settle in a good routine soon.

I think that about sums up what's going on right now. I'm excited for this next month as things are going to start becoming more fun for Kinley when we introduce her to the exersaucer and cereal for the first time. Stay tuned for those pictures!

(She was pretty fascinated by these striped pants)

Video of her attempting to scoot on her back. She's getting better at this.

*Update!* I'm two days late in actually publishing the above and Kinley started rolling from her back to tummy last night (6/16). She hasn't quite figured out what to do with her arms and that keeps her from completely rolling over, but I think this will count for her baby book milestone! :-)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sleeping and a Story

*(Both of these pictures were taken almost two weeks ago)*

We'll start with Kinley. As I was about to lay her on my bed to nurse her, a ginormous spider crawled over my pillow. EEEWWWWW! Instead of laying her on the bed while I wrestled with the spider (knowing me, I would have knocked her upside her head a few good times before ever touching that thing!), I decided the safest place for her was in the basket of clothes on the other side of the room. And after wrestling with that ginormous spider and tossing it out the front door, I came back and found Kinley passed out in the basket. I'm not sure how she managed to fall asleep in the middle of all that chaos, but she did and she was so peaceful. Interestingly, pest control came selling door-to-door the next night and I signed a year contract. haha!

And this sweet boy... Poor Tyler had tonsilitis for an entire week and he wouldn't eat or drink anything (I mean, no ice cream, apple sauce, pudding, suckers, juice... nada!). His throat was covered in puss and blisters and he was wiped out. He was miserable. For the whole week, he went upstairs and fell asleep on his own for his nap. He has also had a few bad dreams recently and talks about being scared in his room (despite Travis sleeping next to him), so he started sleeping with his new Thor hammer because NOTHING can hurt Thor... therefore, NOTHING can hurt Tyler. :-) This is how I found him on day 1 of being sick. Lovey in one hand, hammer in the other.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sweet girl

The onesie says it all. Such a sweet and happy girl. :-)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July cuties

(And the stinker in action... not wanting any more pictures taken)