Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Big Boy Room!

After searching for nice furniture, and returning our box spring to get a low profile one so that Tyler's bed doesn't sit too high, and getting a good guard rail so that he doesn't fall out of the bed, and getting a video monitor so I can check on him anytime I want, and installing fire extinguishers in all the rooms upstairs, and replacing batteries in the smoke detectors, and child-proofing the bathrooms, and getting the right decor for our little boy that has many interests (we ultimately chose car decor), and picking out the perfect/cozy sheets and comforter (I say 'perfect' because I must have bought and returned 10 different sets before choosing the one we kept- what else is new, right?), Tyler's big boy room is FINALLY complete! And after we've exhausted all excuses on why we haven't started letting him sleep in his room (from Uncle Justin staying with us, to being sick, to holiday madness), he is FINALLY sleeping in his room and has been since this past Saturday! YEAH!

Of course, we couldn't just throw him in there on his own... yet. I lay with him until he falls asleep for his nap and Travis is actually sleeping on an air mattress next to him at night and then I take Travis' place when he gets up and goes to work in the mornings. It has worked well for Tyler so far and I'm not sure how long we will continue doing this new routine, but I think we ALL have to ease into this transition. We're just not completely comfortable with sticking him upstairs by himself after he's been snuggling next to us for the last 2 1/2+ years. And, we still have to set up our home alarm system before letting him be so far away from us alone (okay, so I am THAT crazy mom.... I don't care!). I do have to admit that I love having the king size bed all to myself, where I can spread out and surround myself with pillows, but I'm still so sad that my little boy is growing up so fast and my snuggle days are really nearing an end. I know that this HAS to happen before our little girl gets here, but I can honestly say that even though co-sleeping was the one thing I was firmly against (before Tyler's first night at home, obviously) and despite the many mornings I complained about having to breastfeed all night or how I didn't sleep well because Tyler's feet were planted in my sides... I am really glad that things ended up the way they did and I have been able to wake up next to my sweet baby every morning. He'll never remember these days and yet I'll cherish them forever. It was absolutely worth any sleepless nights I ever had.

Regardless of how I feel about Tyler sleeping in his new room, he absolutely loves it and I actually love the way it turned out as well.

These pictures came out pretty dark. The furniture is stained in espresso, but it's not black and the comforter is blue, not black.

I'm definitely not crafty or artsy, but I actually painted this road! Once Tyler is sleeping in his room by himself, his train table will go next to his bed.

View to the closet and Tyler's bathroom. Next on the list: letting him pick out some fun bathroom accessories.

Closet: Travis built these nice shelves!

And this is what the slumber party looks like at night. :-)