Tuesday, January 4, 2011

28 week Pregnancy Check-up

28 weeks and 3 days to be exact! :-) Just a little over 11 more weeks to go... crazy! I had to do the 1 hour/gestational diabetes testing this morning and that sugar/syrup drink had Little Miss amped and ready to go! She was kicking up a storm during the appointment, which made for some fun conversation while trying to get her heart rate. Her heart beat is now in the 140's- slowing down a bit, but she's becoming increasingly active and getting A LOT stronger. I hope we didn't jinx ourselves with all the talk about having a super calm baby in comparison to Tyler because of how laid back she appeared at the anatomy ultrasound appointment. She is definitely a mover and shaker now (not so laid back), and her most restless period is between 10pm-2am. I sure hope she doesn't think she's going to continue that schedule when she gets out here. [sigh]. Just thinking about the sleepless nights again is exhausting. She is in a horizontal position across my belly and the doctor says that they typically take a little longer to move head down in the second pregnancy (probably between 32-34 weeks). I gained 5lbs this past month, but on a very happy(!) note, I just realized that I have been stressing over thinking I am gaining more weight or gaining it at a faster rate than I did with Tyler for nothing! I finally dug out Tyler's baby book (should have done that a long time ago!) and not only am I right on track with my weight gain during pregnancy with Tyler, I am actually one pound less at this point!! I can handle that! Looks like I will be indulging in cheesecake or something to make up for that one pound difference! haha. I start going in for check-ups every two weeks now, so there will be more to report soon.

As for how I'm doing: I'm feeling big, slow and tired these days (I know... I still have a long way to go!). Still having some back pain and I'm adding insomnia and really bad round ligament joint pain to my symptoms list now. I wouldn't mind one bit if she decided to come a little early (not too early though) and relieve me of some of these pregnancy symptoms.

28 week belly. Total weight gained so far: 19lbs

27 week comparison with Tyler

And this just cracks me up!!