Friday, October 1, 2010

Tyler's two year/30 mos check-up

We just took Tyler in for his two year pediatrician appointment this past Monday(Sept. 25, only five months late!), so it actually became a combination of his 24 month/30 month check-up. He was supposed to get the big MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) shot at his one year appointment and we had been delaying it until his two year appointment, although I guess our hesitancy about getting this shot extended a little beyond the two year marker. ;-) That was actually just a very small reason on why we were so late with setting the appointment, it really just never seemed to work with our schedule for whatever reason. At any rate, Tyler did finally receive the MMR shot and I'm a little relieved that it's over with. I can finally stop having anxiety over it and while he screamed bloody murder when he got it, he had no side effects and handled it really well afterwards. A funny side note- our pediatrician's office is located right next to a train track so Tyler got to watch a train go by while we were waiting in the room. He looked over at me and said, "I love trains and I love my doctor!" Of course that attitude didn't last long. After he got his shot and took a breath from screaming (poor baby), he yelled at the nurse, "Not nice, nurse!" and then told me he didn't love the nurse. I felt so bad for him, but that was pretty funny. The appointment went great, otherwise. He weighs 29lbs (25-50th percentile) and is 37 1/4 inches tall (75-90th percentile). He got an A+ on his developmental status and Dr. Anna seemed happy with him overall.

He is doing great in our book as well. He's growing and learning so much and we just think he's soooo smart! :-) We got him a 'big boy' bed this past week and although we don't have it set up (no bed frame, sheets/blanket, etc), he asks to sleep on it AND has actually taken one nap on it so far. Uncle Justin is visiting us again and we're waiting until he leaves before setting up Tyler's new room, but I'm starting to feel like the transition of moving him out of our bed may not be as hard as I once thought (at least not on Tyler). I guess we'll see when it really comes down to moving him, but at this point, he seems very excited about the change. I'm not so sure that I'm ready for this transition, but I know that it has to happen now before the new baby gets here. Lots of changes will be happening in our house soon! :-)