Sunday, March 21, 2010

Grandpop is our angel

Just a couple of weeks ago marked the one year anniversary that my Grandpa passed away and sadly, here we are again. Travis' Grandpop passed away this past Tuesday morning and we had a very nice service for him today in Llano. Grandpop was 93 years old and he lived a very long and happy life, so I guess this wasn't necessarily a sad occasion, although it is still hard and we will miss him terribly. Tyler was Grandpop's only Great-Grandchild and I loved seeing the way he grinned from ear to ear when he saw Tyler. It always took Tyler a little bit to warm up to Grandpop, but by the end our visits, Tyler would be giving out high-fives, fist bumps, hugs and kisses to him. It was so sweet! I'll never forget the day that Travis and I took Grandpop to lunch to share the news with him that we were expecting a baby. He was so excited! He said, "Girls are great, but I sure hope you have a boy!" haha. And when he found out later that we were having a boy, he was so proud to have a Great-Grandson that would carry on his Barrett name. He loved Tyler so much. I am beyond thankful that he was able to know Tyler and I feel so honored to have been able to give him the Great-Grandson that he wanted.

I fell in love with Grandpop the minute that I met him eight years ago. It's kind of hard not to. He was such an adorable, little, old man. I'll always remember my first fishing trip with him to Lake Buchanan and picking prickly pears with him at the ranch while listening to great stories about his past. It's funny... the little things that will always stick with you. He had too many wonderful characteristics to list and I can only hope that Tyler will grow up to be a similar man and that he will make his Great-Grandpop proud.

This is one of my favorite pictures!! This was as soon as Grandpop walked into the hospital room after Tyler was born and saw him across the room for the first time. He was so happy and proud! Look at that smile!

I'll miss this sweet man~