Tuesday, March 30, 2010

23 months old

The count down to turning TWO is official! I can't believe it! For now though, I have a 23 month old baby and I'm going to enjoy this last month of him being one. :-) (sniff... sniff). I don't want to jinx myself by saying this, but we've had the BEST month with Tyler! I've had so many moments over the last year where I thought we were entering 'terrible two's' early and while that phase should be quickly approaching, Tyler has been quite the opposite. He's eating well, sleeping well and playing and laughing all day. He's been in a great mood and so much fun and I'm certainly not complaining! I think the nice weather and being outside has a lot to do with it and I also think he's just happier with being able to communicate/verbalize his needs to us better. It's been great and I'm crossing my fingers that this happy, little boy stays around for a long time!

He's actually getting over being sick and we did have a few really rough days of him being cranky, but that's just because he wasn't feeling well. I'm not sure if I mentioned this on here or not, but we joined a playgroup back in January with four other kids that were Tyler's age and since January, Tyler has been sick three times and has had to see Dr. Anna twice. Now Travis and I both have what Tyler had. Blah~ We dropped out of the playgroup this past week and I'm hoping our health gets back on track.

He's starting to put a lot of words together now. Not sentences, but he does make sense. "Cassie eat." "Tyler outside." "Momma bath." Well, it actually goes something more like this: "Tashie eat." "Tylur ousigh." "Momma baf." You get it. :-) We can understand him and it makes things a lot easier and less frustrating for us all!

I do have to brag on him a little with potty training. Nothing has really changed from last month. He still uses the big potty in the morning, before bath at night and occasionally some during the day, however, I recently read a post about potty training on a baby board that I follow and it seems like Tyler is way ahead of the game here! As I've said before, I know we still have a long way to go with this, but it seemed like most of these other kids from the board barely had an interest at 2 1/2 years old (some older) and they all stated how boys potty train later. Tyler has shown interest for several months already! I'm just so excited and proud of him. And who would have ever thought potty training would be so exciting?? haha.