Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fun day!

We had a very busy day! Kelli and the kiddos came home to visit this week and stopped by our house this morning. Ashley came over to hang out as well. It was a short visit with all of them, but a good one. The kids are just growing so fast!

sandwiched w/ Levi and Lilli

Tyler was over taking pictures pretty fast~

We got to 'babysit' Miss Claire this evening while her Mom and Dad enjoyed a nice dinner out. The kids played while I chased them around the house with the camera. Surprised?? They were being ridiculously cute this evening and played so well together!

I think it's official- my kid has a thing for feet. haha!

taking turns driving the car~

Fun with play do~

2 little monkeys jumping on the bed. They were having the BEST time doing this~

And then winding down with a book. So sweet~

20 months old

Not a ton to report on from this past month. Tyler is still learning words left and right. A few of the new words he often says: shoe, sock, boot, chicken, corn, snack, treat, juice, up and unfortunately, mine. He doesn't say 'mine' in a 'mean, that's MINE' way, but regardless, I don't like that he is already saying that because I know what it will eventually lead to. He says one, two, three and tries to count them on his fingers. He also tries to do 'Hook 'em Horns.' That's really cute! He is cutting four teeth (I don't know if that's normal or not, but I swear, this poor kid doesn't cut one tooth at a time), and he's been a trooper this time around. All that's left to come in are the back molars and I've heard those are NO fun, so I'm definitely not looking forward to him going through that. Not a huge report, but I have a lot of pictures as usual! :-)

I think it will be cute to look back down the road at some of the first words he said~

My little rock star~

Saturday, December 26, 2009

And the day after Christmas

At Grandpa Bill & Grandma Dale's house~

w/ Grandpa Bill

w/ Great Grandpa Jim and Grandma Dale

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Every year I mutter something along the lines of "We can't do this again next year," but the truth is, I don't think I would know what to do without a hectic/busy Christmas holiday and I actually do enjoy seeing all of our family during our whirlwind three day event. We really are fortunate to have our family close enough to be able to spend the holidays with- so that's my new attitude! And besides, who complains about celebrating Christmas five times??

So here we go- Christmas morning at our house!

Lunch at Sandra, Randy and Grandpop's house~

w/ Grandpop

w/ Grandpa Jim

w/ cousin Julie

Dinner at Mamma and Grammy's house~


w/ cousins, Shawn, Ian & Maddie

w/ Uncle Justin