Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Post-op update

Tyler made it very challenging to give him his pain meds during the night. He kept spitting it out and I'm sure he never got his full dose because he did a lot of tossing and turning. I got something called a Pedi Nurser, which is a small bottle-like thing that holds about 3tsp. and filled it with his meds and a very strong shot of strawberry milk and he took it with no problem today. It's been SO much easier and getting the full dose of pain reliever has made him much more comfortable. He is already back to eating his regular foods (and he's getting a lot of treats like chocolate milk, ice cream and suckers; hey- whatever makes my baby happy right now!). The most difficult thing has been diaper changes today. Of course, he doesn't want me anywhere near there and I don't blame him a bit. We've been trying to do a lot of low-key playing activities today.