Wednesday, September 30, 2009

17 months old

17 months old....sniff... sniff. Vacation and surgery/post surgery have taken up the majority of this past month and I think I posted enough about those, so I'll keep this short and sweet and upload a lot of pictures and videos!

Tyler is completely back to normal after surgery. His circumcision is healed and looks good. I wish this would have been done correctly the first time and that he didn't have complications as a result, but what can you do. At least this is finally behind us.

His new funny and silly thing that he is constantly doing is trying to get us to smell his feet. He LOVES shoving those things in our face! He also likes to smell our feet. I know. I'm hoping this is a normal toddler thing and that he doesn't have some weird foot fetish. ;-)

A few new words: beep beep, baby,'nana' for bannana, and 'teeze' for cheese (probably his favorite thing to eat now) and for cheezin' it up in front of the camera, which he now says everytime I pull out the camera. It does make for some really cute pictures! And he says 'ooooooo' to anything that is exciting or interesting.

New rain boots that he likes to randomly wear-


Bathtub fun!

Travis caught a lizard and just had to show Tyler while he was taking a bath... boys!

'oooo... Pretty feet" Oh, never mind.

'teeze' again-

He loves his Cassie~