Saturday, September 19, 2009

Florida Vacation

Our first family vacation went so much better than I expected! We left on Saturday morning (9/12) and flew into Ft. Lauderdale, FL and drove down to The Keys for the week. It is a beautiful area, but a lot different than the tropical get-a-way I imagined. Everything (and I mean everything) is geared towards fishing and diving. Travis was in Heaven and I told him I felt duped, but he assures me that even he had no idea it was all about the "Salt Life" until we got there. He definitely wasn't complaining though and I tried to make the best of it... afterall, we were there for six days. Tyler did absolutely great on this vacation! From the plane rides to eating out, it was a different child.. haha. There was just so much new stuff to see and do that kept him entertained and I can't believe I spent so much time worrying beforehand. It was a much needed, relaxing vacation, but I am glad to leave the rum runners and conch fritters behind and finally be home. I took 300 pictures (surprised??), so it will take me a few days to sort through them and get some posted.