Friday, June 5, 2009

Baby ducks!

This has to be the most random thing. Tyler and I were hanging out in his playroom yesterday afternoon when I noticed this commotion of birds going on outside the window. We went to check it out and there were two abandoned baby Mallard Ducks just wondering around. Their mom never came back for them. I still have a hard time picturing a mom duck and her ducklings walking through our neighborhood or my yard, but I guess it happened! I get very googlie-eyed over any baby animal and we actually had discussions about keeping them. It was too late at this point to take them anywhere anyway, so we fed them, placed them on a heating blanket and they seemed to be doing well. Sadly, today, the smaller duck started on a downhill path and I have no idea what happened. It died this evening and we buried it outside the window where Tyler and I found it. I just feel so bad about this! Despite the other duck doing great, we decided it would be best for Travis to take it to the Wildlife Rescue. The little duck did grow quite attached to Travis during this short time. He even slept nestled in Travis' hands for a couple of hours. He'll do much better being around other ducks and with someone who has experience taking care of them. This definitely brought some excitement to our home for a couple of days.