Tuesday, June 30, 2009

14 mos old

I'm really losing track of time these days. Mr. Tyler is already 14 months old and what a character he is becoming! He keeps us on our toes and laughing all day! I've decided that there is no amount of baby-proofing that could actually give me a little relief aside from locking everything down and moving all of the furniture out of the house. (sigh..) He now knows how to climb up on the dining room chairs and if you look away for a second, he's trying to climb on top of the dining room table! He climbs up on all the living room furniture and tries to jump down from the sides of the couch! (Can we say heart attack for Mommy??) This child knows no fear! Fearless and funny definitely sum up Tyler these days. In addition to the dare devil acts, he does the silliest things. For example: he thinks every food we put in front of him is hot and he repeatedly tells us, 'hot!' while blowing on it to cool it off (it could be ice cream and he still thinks it's hot- haha); he sticks his finger IN his nose instead of on his lips when saying "shhhhhh;" he tries to assist us in blowing our nose like we do with him; he pretends most objects are a telephone and blabs away with it stuck to his ear. Oh this list can go on and on....

He has the 'h' syllable down. He's been saying 'hi' and 'hot' for a while. Now he has added 'cat' and 'light' to his vocabulary, but he says 'hat' and 'height.' Something else to add to the list of silly things that he does. :-)

He's very generous with his hugs and kisses for Mommy and Daddy and blows kisses and says "hi" to complete strangers. As you can imagine, he gets a lot of attention when we're out and about and he loves every single second of it!

And for those interested in our sleep situation- He has dropped to one good nap during the day and is sleeping for much longer stretches at night. He still wakes up once or twice a night, but he's come so far that I can't complain about this. We still haven't moved him to his crib and I continue to find some reason not to. I'm beginning to wonder if we'll ever get any use out of that crib!

Enjoy our 14 month pics~