Thursday, June 4, 2009

13 months already

Wow, this past month really flew by and Tyler turned 13 months old this past Saturday. He cut his 6th tooth (a top one) on Saturday, which didn't make for an incredibly fun day. Otherwise, I don't think there's a lot of new things going on. He's just getting bigger, more aware, and improving on the things that he already knows. :-)

*How much do you love mommy?*

Fun day at the new Jumpy Place close by. Tyler has the best time playing with kitchens and in play houses, so I really wanted to get him one or the other for his birthday, but Travis nixed it by saying that those aren't boy toys. I had to take a few pics to show Travis that he really does enjoy playing with them and I think Santa is going to over rule Travis' decision. :-)

(Tyler's neighborhood bud, Trace, came along).