Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby-proofing ASAP

Okay, here is my wake-up call to seriously do some baby-proofing. You would have to think that I enjoy chasing Tyler up the stairs 10,000 times a day, or catching him 1/2 a second before he slams a cooking pan on his toes, or constantly untangling his little fingers from the cords on the blinds, or holding the media stand doors shut until he gets bored (or angry!) from not being able to turn the cable box off and on, or... you get the picture. At this point, our baby-proofing consists of a lock on the cabinet that contains the cleaning chemicals and placing the coffee table in front of the fireplace (and previous to doing these, I spent months chasing him around to keep him out of these things as well!). Now my stinker knows how to open the doors in our house! Thankfully, he can't reach the deadbolts on the outside doors...yet, but if you close your eyes for a second, he's heading to the bathroom door (because he LOVES taking toilet paper, flushing the toilet and of course, splashing his hands in the toilet.. YUCK!) or the pantry door (because he LOVES rolling Cooper's dog food bin around or digging in the trashcan... YUCK again!). It's time to make life easier! Baby-proofing is #1 on the to-do list!


*And when I tell him to get off of the window sill, he shakes his finger at me and rambles off something in baby talk!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial weekend

Travis patched some areas of grass in our front yard and mud and dirt are definitely a Tyler magnet, so we brought the pool out for an easy/fun clean-up.

(apparently, he likes to eat the mud too!)

Our first attempt at the neighborhood pool this summer was a SUCCESS!!! He had such a great time! The first attempt last year didn't go well at all (sure, he was only three months old, but he still hated it!) and our second attempt last year was even worse. I'm so glad that he loved the water this time around and I'm sure we'll enjoy many summer days there.

(I can't believe this was my stinky's first time at the pool. He's not crying... yet! I'll spare you the second attempt and not-so-flattering pictures of me in a bikini at three months post-partum, but Tyler was crying in every one of those pictures.)

My favorite: highchair pictures!! (with pizza all over his face)

This is so ridiculously funny. I was touching his foot and he got the biggest kick out of it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

More videos!

Here is what I like to call Tyler's "perma-smile" to the intro song for The Backyardigans. :-)

Small look at these impressive dance moves. He won't do it for very long when I'm filming him, but he will now start up his music toys and just sit and dance.

Fun times on the front porch. The arched back cracks me up! And I also caught his 'grown-up' wave to a passing car on camera.

What can I say about these next two videos? He's such a sweetie. :-) (Oh, and no.. he's not sleeping in his crib yet, but we did lower it and he enjoys playing in it)

Collection of play times-

These are over the last couple of weeks of Tyler having a great time while playing with some of his new stuff.

My monkey~

The slowest jack-n-the-box action ever, but he finally got it!

More fun in the jump-o-lene~

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Just Thursday

Tyler and I have been dancing and singing this week to a cute show called, The Backyardigans. I only let him watch about 5-10 minutes a day, but he really enjoys it and I'm surprised it actually holds his attention. He gets the biggest smile when the intro song comes on. And since we started watching this, he's turned into a little dancing machine. (those video clips will come soon!) Love this 'TV-watching-lounge-pose.'

After a hard day of playing, this is how my stinky fell asleep for his nap.

Of course, lovey in tow. :-)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The hose

ha ha hee hee. We're so easily amused.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

1 year check-up

Tyler had his 1 year appointment today. I still can't believe that he's ONE year old! The appt. went well aside from the shots, which are never any fun. Dr. Anna seemed pleased with his progress. He now weighs 20lbs 9oz (15-25%) and is 30 1/2inches tall (50-75%). She said it's normal for kids to thin out once they start walking and become more active and he's definitely active!

After the appt., we got some lunch and ice cream and took it to the park. We love the Buda park!

*he's putting mulch in this little girl's hair. haha*