Friday, May 1, 2009

1 year old!

Wow- where has the time gone?? My baby is one year old today! A TODDLER! It honestly feels like yesterday that Travis and I were on our way to the hospital and welcoming Tyler into our lives. I never imagined how rewarding being a mom would be. It has been, without a doubt, the hardest, yet most fulfilling and fun job that I have ever had. I am so grateful for having a generous boss that understands and allows me the opportunity to work part-time from home which of course, allows me to be with my little guy every minute of every day. I know that I will always be thankful for this important time with him.

I have been very impressed with Tyler this past month. It's as if he transformed from a little baby into a little person overnight. He communicates with us and understands so much more of what we say (for ex. if I tell him to go give something to Daddy or go find his lovey- he does what I ask). And he understands the purpose of objects now (he holds the phone to his ear and chats away, he brushes his hair with his brush, brushes his teeth with his toothbrush, changes channels with the remote, etc.). He has become a huge fan of books! He grabs a book of his choice, brings it to us and waves it in front of our face (or hits us with it!) until we read it to him. And he often wants us to read that same book over... and over.... and over... and over again. I think I already have so many books memorized! It can be exhausting, but I'm excited that he's taking such an interest in books at an early age.

He points to everything now wanting to know what it is. His first real word this past month is 'hot,' followed by 'mama' and then 'dada.' Although- as I've mentioned before, he's been saying 'mamamamamama' for quite a long time, so this is debatable as to whether or not he actually said his first word months ago. :-) You can tell he has a huge vocabulary that he's working on, but this is all he clearly says for now. I think ball, bite, dog or hi will be his next words because he's trying very hard to make those out. He does know: Tyler, Mommy, Daddy and Cooper in our pictures and loves pointing to all of us when we say, "Where's so and so?" etc.

He is still 'Mr. Social' and waves 'hi' or 'bye' to everyone now and tries to say 'hi' to them. He knows how to blow kisses (his version, of course). He can throw the ball for Cooper (okay, it's more like drop the ball in front of Cooper and then he gets excited when Cooper picks up the ball). He LOVES being outside and digging. He also loves playing in the garage with all of Daddy's toys and sweeping out the garage. I've noticed lately that he's really interested in animals. Aside from Cooper and Cassie, if someone walks their dog by our front yard or he sees an animal on TV, he gets REALLY excited, waves his arms and lets out a high pitched squeal. I know I adored all animals when I was young and even wanted to become a veterinarian- maybe Tyler will share that same love.

He has a new favorite food: corn! OMGosh- this kid loves corn and especially, corn-on-the-cob. It's pretty entertaining to watch him with that. And his favorite snacks are the yogurt melts (he even knows the packaging for this, so I have to sneak it into the grocery cart or he throws a fit because he wants them right away!) and natural cheeto puffs.

Our sleeping situation is still similar to last month, but we have introduced a floor fan and Tyler seems to sleep a little longer with the white noise. We haven't transferred him to the crib yet, although we are always talking about it. Honestly, I'm not pushing the issue like I had been previously. Now that I'm getting some solid stretches of sleep, I love the mornings when I cuddle in bed with him after Travis goes to work. I know it won't be like this for long, so I guess I'm enjoying it while I can.

Things don't feel like they are slowing down for a second, but we are having so much fun right now!

Here are a few pics from the Wiener Dog Festival in Buda this past weekend: