Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby.

Today is a milestone in your life. It is your FIRST birthday! It wasn't long ago that I held you in my arms for the very first time- a tiny baby- and now here you are- a bouncing, jumping, climbing, running toddler who is ready to conquer the world. Where did it all go?? Looking back, I am amazed at how fast this past year has flown by and a little saddened to realize just how fast you're growing up. I love each new stage that you enter, but I just wish that I could hold onto those stages and enjoy them a little longer.

One year ago today at 5:33pm, I received the best gift... YOU! You have filled my heart with so much love and somehow that love only continues to grow! You make us all so proud. As I watch you play with your toys, I am consistently amazed at how smart you are and your determination to try and figure things out. Your innocence and curiosity about the world is absolutely inspiring. You have a special love for everyone and a special way of making them smile. You have such a generous and gentle nature about you that I hope you always have. You melt mine and your Daddy's heart with your adorable smile and precious laugh. Can you tell that you are the center of our world??

This past year has been a year of broken sleep, a year of fighting for time... to write, to work, to exercise, to clean, to visit with friends and family, to make time for your Daddy, to have a minute to myself, to do all the things that need to be done. It has been a year of stress, struggles and worry. But, it has also been a year of joy, of love, of watching you grow and laugh, of feeling the incredible softness of your hair and skin, of just pure bliss. Above all the crazy events of this past year, it has been a Year Of You! And what all of that really means, is that it has also been the Best Year Of My Life.

May this next year be full of happiness...of joy and of learning....and always, always, of love. Happy Birthday, Baby.

I love you,


Outside for the BIG present!