Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Third Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to our Little Dude! We wanted to have big shin-dig for Tyler since this was the first birthday party that he was really excited about because he understood what was going on and because there has been such a fuss over Kinley lately. Mission accomplished! Tyler had his train-themed birthday party, complete with train rides, and spent the afternoon with all of his grandparents and having fun with his close buddies. There was so much going on~ a yummy lunch, snacks, treats, cake, jumpy house, bubbles, train rides, pinata, presents... and I'm the only person in the world that can take 300 pictures and not feel satisfied with what I got! haha. I did get enough to make a wonderful memory for Tyler and I'm just so glad that he had such a fun day! Thank you to everyone that came and made this such a special day for him.

Tyler's birthday started out with him waking up to his floor and bed covered in balloons. He was very excited about this and we plan to make this a new tradition!

And then it was time to get ready for the party. Here's my little conductor~

Party time~

(The kids' snack table)

The show-stealing train. All the kids loved this, especially Tyler!

Blowing the horn~

Tyler had been talking about his cake for days and was so excited to have everyone sing happy birthday to him. He even sang along! :-)

Tyler and his best buddies. This is as good as it gets when trying to get a picture of 16 toddlers. Clearly, I was just making sure Tyler was looking and smiling. haha. ;-)

Kinley and her new buddies, Kash and Reid.

Some of the party-goers

I have more pictures than I know what to do with of the kids being cute and tearing apart the pinata. Way too many to post. Here's what it looked like. :-)

I felt bad that Tyler didn't open gifts while our guests were here, but the party was already so long with having the train and it became naptime for most of the kiddos. He really made out with some great new stuff! A new bike, scooter, living room chair, Thomas stuff, cars, legos, clothes, books, bubbles and so much more! He's one lucky little boy! Here's some of the fun we had once Tyler woke up from his nap.

And the BIG present for a BIG three year old! A new truck! Here's Daddy and Tyler both showing off their new rides~