Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Third Birthday, Baby!

You are now three years old! A ‘BIG three year old’ as you would say. It’s hard to believe that another year has flown by, but it has and it’s been a year full of change... for all of us!

I would say that you definitely became a boy this year! A playing in the dirt, jumping in puddles, football watching, running and chasing, rough and tumble little dude. For your girlie girl Mommy, this has been a bit of a challenge for me. I'm still learning how to wrestle - something you are really starting to get good at, and I have a hard time enjoying playing with frogs (sorry), but I love watching the little boy in you emerge. So sweet... so innocent... so full of life!

You continue to be my fun and outgoing little dude and I always receive comments about how you don’t seem shy. Just the other day while at a birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese, you jumped on stage first, singing and dancing while the other kids were not as willing. You didn’t care who was around, you were going to have fun! You got the party started and the others followed! I hope that you are always so confident and sure of yourself. “You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth."

Your memory is impeccable these days. You know many of the lines from your favorite books, and if we leave a line out, you will say it for us. You can now "read" some of your favorite books on your own because you've memorized them. You’ve gotten really good at counting and have even started counting in Spanish. We’re working on ABC’s now, but you already recognize some of the letters when you see them. You still love cars, trucks, diesels, tractors, Lightening McQueen, Thomas the train and you’ve gotten into Star Wars with Daddy. If I'd let you, I think you could watch Dora, Diego, Max and Ruby or Team UmiZoomi all day long. haha. You are starting to develop friendships and often talk about your best buddies- Trace, Claire, Tanner and Macy.

In addition, some major changes happened in a short amount of time. After sleeping in Mommy and Daddy’s room for 2 ½ years, you finally moved into your own bed in your new room. You love your new big boy room, but I sure do miss cuddling with you in the mornings and knowing that you’re safe laying next to me. It makes me happy that you still need ME to tuck you in though and I love that we still have our nightly routine: kisses, butterfly kisses, nose kisses, elbow buddies. And those nights when you tell me before I walk out of your room, "Mommy, I do things," is just precious. You're right baby, you can do anything!

You started potty training and well, it’s still a work in progress. It’s been a struggle- two steps forward and one step back kind of thing- and it's been frustrating for both of us at times, but I’d like to think that there is a lesson to learn through this. It’s okay to struggle, it's okay to not get something right away, and it's okay if everyone else is doing something and you're not. Some things just come easier than others. I hope you will remember to keep trying at everything you do and I know we'll conquer this potty training together!

The biggest change of all- you became a big brother! Shortly after I told you that there was a baby in Mommy’s tummy, your sweet and loving nature shined and you started kissing and hugging my belly. Shortly after I told you that you were going to have a baby sister, you started kissing my belly and saying, “I love you, baby sitter.” I could have never imagined that hearing those words would mean so much to me! I know that things have been a little hard on you since Kinley has joined our family. I know you don’t fully understand why Daddy and I are constantly getting on to you about being quiet now and I know you don’t understand why I can’t give you as much attention as I always have. I often feel guilty about this, but I want you to know that Daddy and I love you more than ever and as you grow older, you’ll realize that having baby Kinley is the best gift that Daddy and I could ever give to you. You two will always have each other and that’s something very special. You are already such a great big brother to Kinley. You’re sweet, gentle and generous towards her. She’s very lucky to have you!

While I have had to spend more time taking care of baby sister, you and Daddy have been spending more time together. You used to be my little sidekick, we’ve never spent more than hours away from each other and now you and Daddy are off buying groceries together, going to the movies and playing games. I’m sometimes jealous of the fun things you two do, but I absolutely love watching the special bond that you and Daddy share and I only hope that you guys are always this close. And I know that things will slow down around here and you and I will get to enjoy our special time together again.

Age 2 has been so much fun, and such a year of growth. I'm so proud of the little boy that you are turning into, the big brother that you are and I'm more than proud that you are my son! I can't wait to see what age 3 will bring. Happy Birthday, baby! (I love you SO much more, too!)
