Sunday, September 30, 2018

September Misc & iPhone pics

Three little monkeys

Ethan's birthday~

Pre-K school fun~ with Ainsley

Cafe Monet with Makenzie

Another fun pre-k day!

Tyler is giving baseball another shot!

This girl cracks me up!  What a stinker!

We are now doing play dates at Chick-fil-A and then Lowes and Home Depot. HaHa!

My house shopping buddy~

Kinley finally pulled her front tooth.

I offered up all kinds of things to get her to pull out her other tooth before school picture day. HaHa! She pulled it out the night before pictures! I am completely obsessed with her new smile! Really obsessed! Her permanent ones are already moving in so I know this will be short-lived.

Cute video with her missing teeth

Crazy hair day at school~


The bugs are awful on the way to Port A right now.  So gross! We had to stop on the way for a car wash!

Brooklyn is always singing me her songs

Tyler reciting his school Colt pledge. I needed to write it down for the yearbook and then realized that this is the last year he will say this. Boo.

Kinley's video skills

"World Smile Day"