Sunday, September 16, 2018

"See ya later"

Kinley's long-time bestie is moving to Florida. Kinley and Makenzie have been pretty inseparable since before they were two years old. They met at a mommy and me dance class and there was no turning back for them. It has been so fun to watch them and their friendship grow. Between five years of dancing, t-ball, gymnastics, all the birthday parties, all the play dates, first sleepovers, Halloween, Fourth of July and Christmas celebrations... they have done so much and have created so many memories together!! I was lucky enough to snag a bestie out of this deal as well! We sure are going to miss having them here on the reg. It's not a goodbye... it's a 'See Ya Later!' :-)

A 'See Ya Later' dinner for Nicole.

Their last evening together and they exchanged some sweet gifts~

I put this cute video of pictures together for the girls... It's long, so it broke it up into two videos here.