Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday, Baby girl!

Happy, Happy #6!! I think I will always start out each birthday letter surprised over how fast the past year has flown by and a little sad that you are growing so darn fast. And in keeping true to my sappy self, I’m sitting here, thinking about how 1/3 of your childhood has passed! One third! Eeeek!! Ahhhh…. the bitter sweetness of this parenting gig.

Kindergarten has certainly not helped in keeping you little. You march off to school every morning, seeming independent, confident and sassy. You have a posse of little girlfriends that you run with. You talk about boys! You are learning to read now and doing great in math. And while you are acting all grown up, I’m holding on to little things… like, for the life of you, you cannot say three. You still say “flee” and “firty” for 30 and "firty-flee" for 33, which makes counting to 100 in class really sweet. And I giggle when you ask to wear bracelets to school on your “wristis.” I love it!! :-) You really are enjoying school right now. You are pretty fond of your principal, Ms. Brown, and all the staff. The feeling is quite mutual… you might be a little spoiled there! You have a journal in class and you often write about how much you love your family AND your teacher, Mrs. Davis. You have made some great friends in class. Finley is your “twinsie” and I think you both have convinced half of the school that this is really true and y'all try to get me to go along with it. Ha! You enjoy art class and you and Tyler both had artwork selected from school that was displayed at the District Art Show! It was fun being able to celebrate you both!

You are in your fourth year of dance and just received your recital costumes. Even the costumes seem like they are for older girls this year. :-/ It has been fun to see you grow in dance though. I feel like you are just barely getting out of the cute-sy dancing and learning some real dance moves. You are happy to still be doing this with your dance pals and especially, your BFF, Makenzie. I think you watch Moana every single day and you and Brooklyn enjoy singing quite a few duets from the movie. You like watching Kids YouTube videos on the iPad. You mostly watch Elsia and Annia or baby animal videos. You adore animals! You love role playing house with Brooklyn, playing with your baby dolls, Barbies and dressing up in costumes. You love sparkle and bling and dresses and lip gloss and painting your nails and your new cowgirl boots. :-) We got you a new bike for your birthday and you have no interest in trying it out without training wheels. Your six year molars came in right on cue and your two bottom front teeth have come in behind your baby teeth. You love your new "shark teeth," but you're ready for those baby teeth to come out and the tooth fairy to come visit.

We just gave your room a makeover complete with new big girl furniture and some fun paint, but you're not sleeping in there yet. You are still comfortable sleeping on a small mattress in Tyler's room. We will probably make the switch over the summer. You are already looking forward to summer and we're making plans to try out some gymnastic classes then. I am also planning to put you in private swim lessons. You're not as excited about that one.

You’re growing up to be such a loving, kind, beautiful and funny girl. I couldn't be more proud and I hope that you enjoy all the fun that being six brings you!

I love you,
