Friday, March 31, 2017

March misc and iPhone pictures

Meeting cousin Lilly for the first time and visiting with the fam at Poppa's job's canal house. It was freezing and raining, which put quite a damper on plans for fishing, but we still had fun hanging.

My sleeping princess~


Tyler's first slumber party for his friend, Lucien's birthday

Tyler and I were shopping for Kinley's party goodies and having too much fun. ;-)

This is my life! Messy house don't care! (Ok, I actually do care)

Our little stray, Charlie, is still hanging around and the kids are loving him more. :-/

Enjoying a little live street music while we're out shopping

Dance costumes are in

Peeking in on Kinley at lunch

More Charlie

Lunch with Tyler

Tyler had a molar tooth pulled that was blocking an adult tooth from coming in and got this shiny little spacer.

The kids got rewarded for great report cards!

Kinley got a Hatchimal with some of her birthday money. Oh, the suspense in waiting for this thing to hatch.

Brooklyn got a hold of a pen. :-/

Favorite place- ice cream shop

Love this little wall that I made for Kinley's costumes in her room.

Tyler left this note for me. He's onto me. HaHa!

Travis took the kids to the ranch~

Tyler passed out in my bed- this really doesn't happen anymore.