Saturday, December 31, 2016

December Misc and iPhone pics

The Christmas boxes are rolling in!

Kinley's class at the library (she's on the top row end)~

Learning all about rocks in class~

We're late, but Kinley is getting her gumballs reward for counting to 100 at school!

Tyler's school field trip to see The Nutcracker and Christmas caroling at Marbridge Farms.

Christmas dance performance

Snuggle time with Cassie

Kenzie's birthday party

Kindergarten showed up the school when they were the first grade level to complete 26.2 miles in laps!

Our Christmas cards (that still haven't gone out!)

It's cold out, but that doesn't stop us from getting ice cream!

Kinley had some extra "help" with her work.

Buda Trail of Lights

Cash's birthday party

Lazy day

with Jacob

Doesn't happen often...

Kinley was excited about her new hair do

Baby girl is passed out

Took the kids to see Sing

Jacob spent the night and the kids had a Pie in the Face showdown