Monday, December 14, 2015

Brooklyn is 1 1/2 years old!

Brooklyn is 1 1/2 and I think this might be my favorite toddler age! She still has her fussy moments, but she's just so dang cute and fun right now. She is a busy body and into everything. She tries to run, which is more like this side-to-side fast waddle. She loves to run into my arms and tip me over and we play that game over and over. She loves wearing socks, shoes and jackets. She enjoys singing and sings all day long! She sings 'Happy Birthday' and 'Let it Go' pretty constant. She's very animated when she sings and knows just when to throw her arms up in the air or do a quick spin. :-) She sings her ABC's as well. Sure, it's not perfect, but you can definitely make out what she's trying to say. The best is when we get to the end of the song. We sing, "Next time won't you sing with...." and she belts out "MEEEE" every.single.time! I just love it! We have a song that I made up when Kinley was a baby that we sing a lot during diaper changes and now she sings it, too..."Butt up, butt down, butt all around." We sing it as I move her little hips up, down and around in a circle and she gets the biggest kick out of it! My smarty pants can also count to three!! She must hear me say that to her brother and sister a lot. ;-) She is trying to say so much more these days and is really communicating pretty well. Some of her new words are: shoes, eat, up, mine, no, and coke (for drink.. I'm not sure why she says this).

I think all of her baby teeth have surfaced now. I noticed her left and right upper cuspids on November 15 and her right lower cuspid on December 10. I can't believe we are about to be done with all the baby teething!
She finally got her new big girl car seat... poor girl. She loves sitting up and not laying down in an infant carrier. We are still without a pediatrician. It has been way too convenient to pop into Urgent Care on the few occasions that we've needed to. I did weight her and she weighs 22.5lbs. Kinley was 24lbs at her 18 month checkup, which was in the 25-50%, so Brooklyn is around that same percentage. It's so funny because as I went back to see what Kinley's stats were just now, I was reminded that two of Kinley's new words were 'no' and 'mine' at 18 months, which are Brooklyn's as well. And I was going to mention that Brooklyn was tall enough to reach the door handle, which is what I said about Kinley at 18 months. :-) Brooklyn likes to open the front door, so we have to make sure it's locked all the time! She loves swinging and doing the rides at Chuck-e-Cheese. She has a little Cabbage Patch baby doll (that was actually Kinley's) that she affectionately calls "bee bee." It's the first doll that she has really taken a liking to and now it tags along a lot.

Brooklyn is now officially nursing longer than Tyler and Kinley did. She still associates it with 'night-night' and very clearly says it all the time! We are still nursing her for nap and bedtime and she's not in a rush to be done at all. She points to the bedroom or bed and cries because that's where she nurses at. We are going to start making the transition, but I know it's going to be tough. She still gets so excited and happy to nurse and I feel horrible taking that away from her, but I'm just about done. I'm ready for both of us to start sleeping through the night! Otherwise, I really can't complain about much of anything else with this one. :-)