Monday, August 10, 2015

Brooklyn is 14 months old

Brooklyn is 14 months old. Our summer days have been a mix of busy and lazy, but the time is flying by. Brooklyn is definitely turning into a busy toddler! She's on the move constantly. Walking, trying to run, and climbing on everything. She is much more steady walking now and doesn't fall down that much. She finally warmed up to the idea of shoes and actually wants to put them on. She will run and grab her shoes from the basket and sit on the staircase, waiting for me to come put them on. She also has some thing about socks. She loves them!! She likes picking them out and tries to put them on, but can't even get one toe in. :-) She completely shocked me the other day when she climbed off the bed from her nap and opened the bedroom door and came into the living room. I haven't seen her open any other doors since, but she is tall enough to be able to reach the handle?! Crazy! She had a bottom left tooth come through July 17, so that makes four total on the bottom. She's still enjoying all the same foods: eggs, lunchmeat, broccoli, mac-n-cheese, pasta, strawberries and bananas. We really don't switch things up that much. She started saying: "no, no, no" and she shakes her little finger at you when she says it. She says: hot ('ot'), dog ('dogga'), moon ('moo'), bath ('baa') and points to all the birds and airplanes that she hears. She started saying and playing peek-a-boo. It's precious! Video below.  :-)   

(Peek-a-boo video)