Saturday, August 29, 2015

August misc and iPhone pics


Tyler's tooth finally came out. Look at how much that adult tooth was already in behind the baby one.

She loves playing ball!

Nothing like practicing dance moves in your bathing suit at sunset. Yes, that is my baby wandering down the street. ;-)

Open house for Kinley. Can't believe she's about to be a pre-schooler! 'CLC ROCKS'

Girl time while bubba is at his first day of school~

"We survived the first week of school" cake treat with friends~

Monday, August 24, 2015

Tyler's First day of 2nd Grade

Man, second grade sounds soooo much older than first grade, right?!? Tyler was pretty excited to head back to school this year and I'm hopeful that it's going to be a great year for him! I have heard such wonderful things about his teacher and after meeting her at open house, I think she is going to be a great fit for Tyler! She was teacher of the year last year and her room seems like a lot of fun! Tyler keeps referring to her as "cute." Oh, boy!! :-)

Little photo bomber

Mrs. Simmons

After school~

After school ice cream

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Pink Lemondae Stand

There's nothing like crossing off items on your summer bucket list at the last minute. :-) Tyler had this great idea for a pink lemonade after Brooklyn's birthday and has been waiting to do it all summer! Neighborhood buddy, Jacob, came over to help.